Monday, December 12, 2005

Life on the Edge

What has you on edge? Is it Christmas, is it the end of the year, or is it your own insecurities about who you are and what you have accomplished? Do you feel that you are incomplete? Do you think you keep “just missing” the mark? Will the New Year bring with it a plan to get your life on the track you want it on? Or will it be just another exercise in setting goals that you never really intend to keep?

Does any of this apply to you, or is it just me?

There's somethin' wrong with the world today
I don't know what it is
Something's wrong with our eyes

We're seeing things in a different way
And God knows it ain't His
It sure ain't no surprise

We're livin' on the edge

Aerosmith (1992)

{Ouch. Can I have my toes back, please??}
Here's a shallow answer for ya - the state of my house has me on edge! I know it goes along with moving, but I just see no end in sight to what I want done around here. And little extra time to make headway.

I think in some sick way I equate a clean, orderly house with being a good mom. I should just let that one go, huh?
*raising my hand to say it applies to me*
You've been tagged if you find time. It's on my blog from 12-13-05.
not really. At least not right now.
I feel as if I'm teetering and the slightest wind would send me sailing right over.
Maybe my answer was too short. I don't feel insecure or that I am incomplete. Do I miss the mark...Wow all the time. I have never been a new year goal person.

Donna, in the past year you have not just set some goals, but have accomplished a number of them.
If I say more than "Yes" I would have to write a novel to I will leave it at "Yes, it applies."
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