Wednesday, December 14, 2005

New Traditions

I was going to start my 2nd Annual 12 Days of Christmas today. However, when I started researching the tradition I found that the traditional time period began with Christmas Day as the first day of Christmas and lasted until January 6th. I think I will instead try to conform to the traditional method and post about the symbols associated with each day at that time.

So instead I am going to start a new tradition this year. I am going to call it The Ten Days of Anticipation. It will begin today and end on Christmas Eve. I will then begin the 12 Days of Christmas. Day one will be the first day of Anticipation and will start tomorrow, December 15th.

I'm looking forward to trying to start a new tradition and maybe getting in the Christmas Spirit.
Care to join me? It's a "made-up journey"

{and no Carly Simon or Heinz Ketchup!!}

Anticipation has always been Carly Simon singing and waiting for me.
Sounds fun. We have had a Twelth night party for several years now. It is good tradition. We put symbols on a "tree" during Advent and then on the twelth night we read a scripture associated with each one and let the kids take them down. Kids get to read too. We sing songs between ever 3rd one or so. The kids all then dress up and act out the Christmas story for the rest of us.
Many countries celebrate January 6th as Three Kings Day but some do count it as the day of The Birth. Why not party a little more? I love time with friends and family.
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