Friday, December 23, 2005

Ninth Day of Anticipation (C-2)

My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, John 17:20

We are getting closer, so close you can almost touch it! Do you think Mary knew two days before that her son was on his way? Do you think she was praying that they would make into Bethlehem where she could at least have a bed to lie in (She didn’t know the Inn was full). I imagine that from the time she had the visit from the angel her prayer life took on new meaning. It may have been filled with “I don’t understand this Lord, but your will be done”. Or she may have even been like some of us “Are you sure Lord? I don’t know if I can do this!” At any rate by the time she was ready to deliver she was more than likely just like any other woman expecting a child. Praying, making deals, praying, begging; please God, please God! Let him be OK, help me to deal with the pain and to be a good mother….please.

Prayers were answered when Jesus came into this world. As he was preparing to leave this world he was praying for you! Yes you and me! What great comfort to know that Jesus himself prayed for me. When I wake up during the night (as I routinely do around 2:00 a.m. do you think I am training to be the Mimi on call?) I pray. I always think of my daughter and the babies. Usually someone specific is on my heart as well. Sometimes I think to myself “who do I need to be praying for”. I don’t tell you that to brag, I am so negligent of my prayer life at other times. Maybe God is gently reminding me during the night just to get my undivided attention.

What a great gift we have been given. We have the ear of our Lord. We have an intercessor who knows what we are going through. As we celebrate Christmas, lets not forget to talk to our Father. He really wants to hear from you!

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

I can't imagine that trip with Mary about to pop. I wish I could say that prayer was the first thing in my life and not the last resort. I often recommit to prayer but my prayer life seems to be more like prayer walking these days. It is kind of an ongoing conversation.
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