Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Sixth Day of Anticipation (C-5)

Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other. No one has ever seen God. But if we love each other, God lives in us, and his love has been brought to full expression through us. (1 John 4:11-12 NLT)

Dear friends….what glorious words! Last evening was spent celebrating with just that, dear friends! We shared a meal, shared a prayer, and shared some laughs. We played a game, exchanged some gifts and laughed some more. We are a diverse group, at different life stages and very different professions. However we are bound together by more than the bonds of friendship, we are interconnected through the blood of our Lord. I guess that makes us “blood-sisters”.

Love is truly the greatest gift that God gave us. Can we honor him this holiday season by taking time to love each other?

My small group at church is my family. When we get together, I get a glimpse of what it might be like for a larger family to get together with all their kids. Between us we have 10 kids & 1 on the way! The adults have laughed & cried together on numerous occasions. We've had misunderstandings & frustrations, but through it all, we love each other & are committed to each other.
I can't think of a better way to honor Him, than to truly love another another!
Truly what God intended...

BTW - I think one o' yer bears over there is movin' it's butt - back and forth, from side to side...
Every time I read one of John's letters I can't keep thinking about how much my good friends mean to me. How much I love them. How much John was loved by Jesus and how much John loved Jesus people. Nothing is better then a good day with friends...
Chris - {I think it's just the foot, but it IS an equally sinful part of the body when in worship!}
You are so right! And when you are right, you are right. Love is good. Spread it around so everyone can have some. There is plenty to go 'round.
My blood family are -- at least in the main -- not believers. It is such a blessing to have a worldwide spiritual family and to see the truth of God's Words "there is one who sticks closer than a brother."

To all who call on Him: peace and tidings of comfort and joy.
{It's all connected!}
My care group at church got together Sunday night and laughed and had a great time wrapping presents for our adopted family. We did a craft with the kids too. Our care group is really diverse and I think that makes it fun. We had a couple visiting who is due to deliver a baby girl ANY day. It was so much like family. We ended the evening with an ornament exchange where we had to guess who brought the ornament based on clues. We laughed SO hard at the clues! I thought after that night what a blessing it is to be surrounded by such a large host of family! I'm actually a little sad that I won't be at my church for Christmas, although it will be nice to visit with my parents and family.
Seeing God in You Donna.
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