Monday, January 02, 2006

Best of 2005

My weekend vacation put me a little behind on my best of post....
Most you will not care about, but maybe someday I will want to remember.

The top 5 things I learned in 2005:
(In no particular order)

  1. God answeres prayers in ways greater than I can ever imagine
  2. People leaving hurts and leaves a hole in your life, no matter how prepared you think you are.
  3. Friendship is one of the great gifts of God. It grows deeper and more beautiful when you invest laughter, tears, hopes and fears. I am blessed by friendships that have grown deeper and by new friendships, some with folks I have yet to meet.
  4. Senseless murder and death can never be explanined or understood. Only faith in God and his great gifts pull us through these times of great heartache.
  5. There is nothing greater than being a grandparent. I love that sweet boy and can't wait to meet babies A, B & C!

Top 5 Books I read

  1. The Divine Conspiracy (finally....)
  2. Mere Christianity
  3. Blue Like Jazz
  4. Harry Potter and the half blood Prince
  5. The Presidents Assasin

Top 5 Movies (taste is very ecclectic)

  1. Chronicles of Narnia- The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
  2. War of the Worlds
  3. Batman Begins
  4. Mr. & Mrs. Smith
  5. Star Wars III- Revenge of the Sith

I don't think I would put Blue on my top five... certainly not above Harry Potter THBP.
Looks like you have had a great year. I am sure you are looking forward to the events of this year!

What an awesome game. Wish I had been there.
You've had quite a "work-out" this year...but isn't it wonderful to have gained all those new spiritual "muscles"...
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