Sunday, January 08, 2006

Got Any Oil?

Last night we traveled 35 minutes to eat at the nearest Outback. Well you would have thought it was Mother's Day by the size of the crowd. We we gave our names we were told the wait would be from 50 to 60 minutes. Arghhh! I was starving, but my heart was set on a steak, so we waited. As we stood there watching people get impatient and rude I was thinking about the fact that we always hope "we" will be the exception to the rule. We expect that we will be seated in only 20 minutes, 30 tops and then we grow impatient. (We waited exactly 60 minutes)

Yesterday I read about the 10 wise and 10 foolish virgins and the wedding feast. I couldn't help but think about these ladies who waited so long that they fell asleep. But then when the groom came half of them found themselves unprepared. They went on and bought some oil, just knowing that there would be an exception made, the door would be reopened for them. But the door keeper said he didn't even know who they were.

What does this say to you? How does it fit in to your views of grace?

I think Jesus is telling us to be ready, always. I think he is saying that we must make this decision anew everyday! He will be our everything, that is the only position he wants.

"Live in such a way that God's love can bless you as you wait for the eternal life that our Lord Jesus Christ in his mercy is going to give you." Jude v.21

Sounds like a 24/7 committment to me...
The parable like any parable can be stretched too thin. The first question and main question is what is the point (main point) here. What is Jesus saying?
I think he is saying that he needs to be top priority in our lives. Our anticipation of His return should be at the forefront of each day. A constant thought. It's easy to get wrapped up in day to day living, but we live with a purpose and in preparation.
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