Friday, January 13, 2006


Could you all do me a favor? Please.

Add your e-mail address to your profile, even if you have to set up a hotmail or yahoo account. Then if I just want to shoot a smart answer back to your comment I can just hit "reply" to my e-mail notification.

Go ahead, do it for Donna!

preach it sister!
Thanks for the suggestion, Donna. There have been a lot of times I've wanted to reply to someone and they didn't have an email address on their profile.
Oh, and Dee... your email is already on your profile (was it there before you posted your comment, or did you do it afterwards?).
I took mine off after receiving a creepy message from some guy named Diego. Unless it was one of you playing a joke on me!
Yes, Dee that was my point. Sometimes I want to say something back that sounds trite as yet another comment to my own blog, and don't make any sense if I post it as a comment to someone else's blog.

Nothing particularly set me off, there are just many folks I have wanted to say something to that I could not reach via e-mail. Maybe I am getting outside the purpose of blogging if it is anonymity.

Anyway....Have a good weekend!
Yeah, I do love to get e-mails from my blog friends like you. I guess there are lots of random people viewing blogs out there too, though. I'd just rather not hear from them! :)

I went a whole day without a Diet Coke and my head is KILLING me.
i saw your pretty smile at church today. it was on the screens while jd spoke about life after katrina. that lady was so happy to have that coat. good job.
you can't make me.
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