Friday, February 17, 2006


Six years ago I decided to try something. I did not want to go the Marriage Enrichment class that our x-minister Randy was teaching, so I decided to start a Ladies Prayer Class. I felt certain that I was not the only one who did not wish to attend that class, but truly had no ideal what the response would be. In the beginning there were between eight and twelve of us. We grew so incredibly close. We took each others prayer request with us throughout the week. We were finally in a format where we felt free to express some of the things that had bothered us and safe enough to ask for prayers in areas where we were weak. The class was not successful because of my teaching/leading whatever, but it was successful because it was filling a need that many were hungry for. I formed some lasting friendships, that I am convinced would not have happened outside of this arena. I had attended church and Sunday school with most of these ladies for over 10 years and didn’t know them yet…but in the comfort of this Wednesday night meeting we bonded, we connected, we learned to see each other in a new light.

Six years later the group has changed a lot. We are a much larger group and many of the original ladies have moved away or are going to other classes. We still have a very special connection, and I guess this as close as I have been to being in a “small group” situation. We don’t all think the same. I sometimes get way out on a limb, but there are folks who are hugging the trunk and can pull me back in. I think a healthy difference of opinions is a good thing.

This past Wednesday night was my last night to teach this group. With the babies coming in the next month I felt that I needed to be free to be on call. I know that I will miss it. But I also know that the class will continue with fresh new leadership.

My service for the next few month will be to my family. After things settle down, who knows, maybe I will have another idea....

My Ladies Bible Class has 11 women in it - most I wouldn't know if it weren't for this class. We are doing Beth Moore's 'Believing God' series & I can tell that many of us needed it. I am so thankful to people like you who rise up & say "I need to do this. Others may be needing this too."

Maybe your next class will be on juggling!!!
I am so thankful for women like you who see a need and just do it. Six years?! That's incredible. You will probably never know the impact you have had through that ministry, and that impact will continue through others.

I also appreciate the way you are restructuring your schedule to be available to your most important ministry - your daugher and her babies!
I think all of us long for the community that comes from these small groups--I know I love mine!

However, you are sooo right--God is calling you to help with babies for a while--it won't be forever--and then--God is amazing--there's no telling where He will lead you next!
It's wonderful that you stepped in like that. In some ways it seems so obvious, but "obviously" it isn't. And it's great that you were able to truly befriend people you had been acquainted with for 10 years. You stay somewhere long enough, that ought to happen.

Blessings on your new journey.
You deserve a break today so get up and get a way at McDonalds...

Just when your slowing down I am going to speed up.

Enjoy the break they are good for your soul.
I want you to know how much I appreciate that class. I too have gotten to know some very nice ladies (including yourself and Terri) a lot better since I started coming to that class. Thanks, Donna. : )
Sounds like you have a wonderful ministry there. God has been glorified and the women's lives you have touched have no doubt been strengthened and encouraged. Take a rest. Recoup. Then, when the time is right, strike a new fire.
The babies are lucky to have a grandmother so willing to put other thngs aside and pitch in! I know it will not always be smooth sailing but I know your daughter and son-in-law will really need and appreciate the help!
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