Tuesday, February 21, 2006


This morning I am thinking about clay. Sometimes when I think about clay I am actually thinking about Play Dough, which I don’t think is really clay but it is a derivative, but today I am thinking about real clay. Do you remember the first verse of the song Have Thine Own Way? (Does it surprise you that spell check does not know the word “thine”.)

Have Thine own way Lord! Have Thine own way!
Thou art the potter, I am the clay,
Mold me and make me after thy will,
While I am waiting Yielded and still

Last night my mother was telling me of an incident with my aunt who is now in the nursing home. She was concerned over whether she could receive forgiveness for sometimes missing church when maybe they really could have been there. This conversation broke my heart. How do people spend 60 to 70 years in church and still not know their Father?

I think it is clay. The church they were part of decided they had it all right. God had formed them into the perfect infallible church. They had set guide lines and rules and really all you had to do was follow these in the right building and by all means be at every meeting and you will be formed in God’s will. This had to be right, every verse of the Bible had been analyzed over and over and the rules were clear! So the only thing left to do was fire this clay. Of course then it becomes a beautiful vessel, shiny and perfected by the fire. But now this vessel if very fragile, a few broken rules could shatter it to pieces. How could it be put back together again?

Clay is the most appealing when it stays soft and malleable. Rules were the hang up of the Pharisees. Grace was the gift of Christ. What is grace but the ability of God to squash us out flat when we mess up and make us beautiful again? I want to be continually formed by God. I want my mind and my heart to be open to all of the ways he can shape me into a better servant of his.

Lord, help me to be soft and yielding to your will. Help me to know you and to strive every day to please you. Help me to always be open to your leading and be the person that you would have me to be.

Clay is earthy and authentic. Clay doesn't have any pretense, like a diamond does.
Clay. That is a cool name! Sorry~ baby on the brain.
I just wonder if we ever get to the point that he wants to "fire' us or if we are going to be pounded and molded our whole lives?
Our church recently had a potter come in and actually make earthern vessels in real time while he spoke about being a potter and how the clay sometimes works and sometimes doesn't...it was really awesome!
no two vases are the same.
I am all for soft and pliable...but ultimately to be useful it needs to be fired and glazed. Do you want to eat off a plate that is soft and pliable? Are you going to drink your coffee out of a clay mug that is soft? I don't think so! But it is your analogy so I will let you run with it. Moldable is good. Maleable is good. Moveable is good. Moonshine...no, no bad one there. I am in a crazy mood. Maybe I had better quit here!
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