Thursday, February 09, 2006

More than Words

Peter is one of my favorite apostles. I don’t know if I just identify with his impulsiveness, or if it just the fact that we are told about more of the times when he “messed up”. No one can deny that he had passion. He was the one to step out and walk on the water (sure he later sank, but at least he tried). He wanted to build the alter at the transfiguration, he cut off the soldiers ear (don’t you wonder why Peter was the one who was trusted with the sword?) and he promised Jesus that even if he had to die with him he would NEVER deny him. We know the rest of the story, later that very night he denied Jesus three times. Luke’s account tells us that when the rooster crowed Jesus looked at Peter. Can you imagine the shame and regret that Peter felt.

Jesus knew before hand that Peter would deny him, yet he loved him still. He was there, suffering and was able to hear Peter actually curse and deny that he knew him at all, it must have stung. But Jesus knew Peter. He knew he was impulsive and that he was scared. He did not hold Peter’s words against him. He loved Peter. He knew how he really felt. His denial was recorded for all of history, but Jesus knew that Peter did believe, that he did love him and that he would always be on his side.

Have you ever spoken words in anger, hurt, frustration or even pride that you wish you could take back? Even worse, have you put your thoughts and feelings in writing and later had them used against you? If you are like me, there are several things you have said whether out loud or in print that you wish you could “un-say”. It is not always that what was said was so bad, just that it was taken to be the one thing that someone used to “define” you.

I hope that if you take the time to read anything I write, or if I have the opportunity to talk to you in “real-life” that you will not judge me harshly by words that you may find offensive or hurtful. I pray that you will give me the chance to show you more of my true self and to demonstrate that I am a failure, but that I am striving everyday to be more like Jesus. At the same time I pray for the wisdom to offer this grace to others. If Jesus gave Peter another chance, surely I can do that for people in my life.

Yes, I have deeply regretted words. Especially on my bad mom day. I pray for forgiveness in this area probably more than any other (and for my kids to forget!).

Your words are truly uplifting - thank you for the reminder of Peter's impetuousness and Christ's restoration power.
I love Petere too. Great post, especially the last paragraph.
The worst is being called names. I've been called the ugliest things by people very close to me. I probably deserved it at the time, but on dark days, it's hard to not think of myself that way anymore - especially when I hear those names ringing in my ears.

Yes! I do not like it when people try to put me in a box like liberal or conservative. In my experience, Christians are more judgemental than non Christians.
With you, once again.
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