Sunday, March 05, 2006
High in Tennessee....

We all have know, mountain top experiences. The two Zoe conferences I have been to qualify as such events. Now this weekend will go right along side those. My spirit is still soaring within me today. (Is it Tennessee?)
After our wonderful afternoon in the park with my new friends Angie, Tommy, Kim, Megan, Greg and my old pal Terri and a great dinner at BB Kings (folks everyone was being nice to me, knowing I would only eat fish on Friday for Lent) we went on to the concert.
Terri and I had great seats (the other group had floor level seats which I am sure were equally as good) and settled in to enjoy..... Neither or us knew much about the David Crowder Band, but we loved his high energy performance. I jumped and jumped. All his quirkly little mannerisms made him quiet endearing. I think my favorite thing (even though I will rarely admit to liking Bluegrass) was when they sang I'lll Fly Away with Third Day. It was amazing.
The Third Day experience took me to a higher plane. I felt their music and the message of their songs in my very soul. I played my CD as loud as I could stand it on the way to church this morning. I was ready to worship.

Here is a shot of the bloggers....Terri and Tommy forgot their lipstick so I opted for B&W!
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Great pics! Wish I could have had that whole experience also....but Pepperdine is around the corner! :)
You and TL look good in the graphic with you scarf going back and TL's hair going back and those spinner rims. Cool.
I have always wondered where the "no meat on Friday" thing during Lent comes from. What's the reasoning behind it??
(Yeah, for 12 years of schooling, I never noticed that we always had fish sandwiches on Fridays in the school cafeteria... it wasn't until I was in college that I found out it was a Lent thing; maybe that is when I even first heard of Lent!)
(Yeah, for 12 years of schooling, I never noticed that we always had fish sandwiches on Fridays in the school cafeteria... it wasn't until I was in college that I found out it was a Lent thing; maybe that is when I even first heard of Lent!)
You have been busy! Any shot on Beale Street should be in Black and White or Sepia. It could be our album cover. I had a great time also. Of course meeting yall was better than the concert!
How long could you jump? I guess I am getting old--I can only last a couple minutes--but I sure try as long as I can!
Sounds like a great time!! I am so thankful for those mountaintop experiences!
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Sounds like a great time!! I am so thankful for those mountaintop experiences!
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