Monday, March 13, 2006
One Way or the Other

Have you ever felt like you have lost a week of your life? That is where I am. Everything has stabilized. Diana’s blood pressure has normalized, her protein is barely positive, and her contractions have mostly stopped. I told her she had a lot of people praying those babies stayed in there longer. I think she would like to respectfully request that you pray that they would go ahead and arrive, but healthy of course.
You know last week I was feeling like the one discipline I lacked in my life was a time of solitude and silence. It is amazing how the Lord can humble you. He can MAKE you be still if you refuse to do it on your own. I have even been journaling with PEN AND PAPER!! Can you imagine? Sometimes it seems the thoughts flow freer when I am actually writing; it is just that my hand can’t keep up with my brain. Not that I am that great a typist, but I can type much faster than I write. It seems that I don’t stop and “muse” as much either at a key board. Knowing that you can go back and delete or reword that last sentence makes it easier to type than to put it down in ink!
I have thought a great deal about friendship during my time alone. It seems to be the new reoccurring theme in the books that I am reading. I have a great quote to share with you and some great thoughts, but my book is in the car and I may need something to share later.
However, I am struggling with several things. As part of my “Transformation” I want to be sure that I am not being carried around with every wind of doctrine. I am studying, I am praying and I am asking for wisdom. Yesterday I read this passage, and since then I have read it repeatedly.
James 1: 5- 8 (NLT)
If you need wisdom--if you want to know what God wants you to do--ask him, and he will gladly tell you. He will not resent your asking. But when you ask him, be sure that you really expect him to answer, for a doubtful mind is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. People like that should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. They can't make up their minds. They waver back and forth in everything they do.
I need wisdom. I have asked God and I am sure that he will show me an answer. But if you don’t mind, remind me. Sometimes I get caught up in this day-to-day life and forget to diligently seek his will and his answers. I don’t want to be like a wave of the sea!
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Great to hear from you again. And it is so weird that you should post that scripture. I have been meditating on that one these past couple of days and am reading through James right now. doodoodoodoodoodoo (twilight zone music).
I've been thinking alot about that verse too. I've also started reading and studying Mark (3-4 right now)and it is interesting how many times he says, "Listen!" (4:3), And "If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear." (Mark 4:23 and in verse 9 a little different). All sorts of great stuff that He wants to show us!! God will grant you wisdom, Donna because you have ears to hear.
Thanks for the update. I've been checking and checking and praying and praying!
Thanks for the update. I've been checking and checking and praying and praying!
Ok, prayer now changes from "Keep those babies cooking" to "Safely and healthy, but as soon as you see fit!"
Do you think God has slowed down your family just simply in preparation for what's to come? He knew you might not slow down as part of your own preparation plans so perhaps, just perhaps, He snuck in (an Alabama term) some "chill" time as just a special time of rest and waiting gift just for you guys?
Do you think God has slowed down your family just simply in preparation for what's to come? He knew you might not slow down as part of your own preparation plans so perhaps, just perhaps, He snuck in (an Alabama term) some "chill" time as just a special time of rest and waiting gift just for you guys?
With wisdom right decisions can be made. Without gets messy in a hurry! Glad you are getting some serious journaling time but I am glad to see you posting on the blog too!
i really do like the way the nlt translates the bible. others may think i'm nuts, well ... that's not the first time. i have been using the nlt as my primary bible for about 3 years.
anyway, i need some of that wisdom, too. i fall all over myself when i feel like i'm doing good, and feel settled, i just fall again. isn't it great to know that we aren't the smartest ones around? it is so great to have Him there to give us the "upgrade" we need at the time.
btw, thanks for the visit to 'loves wins!' i like the new name of your blog as well. i think it really fits where you are right now.
anyway, i need some of that wisdom, too. i fall all over myself when i feel like i'm doing good, and feel settled, i just fall again. isn't it great to know that we aren't the smartest ones around? it is so great to have Him there to give us the "upgrade" we need at the time.
btw, thanks for the visit to 'loves wins!' i like the new name of your blog as well. i think it really fits where you are right now.
I'm jealous about Atlanta. I've been to 1/2 dozen tracks and that's one I've never been to.
Hope the babies come soon and 100% healthy.
Hope the babies come soon and 100% healthy.
Praying for healthy babies! Maybe this is the God given (as in wether you want it or not) calm before the storm.
May you find what you are seeking! :)
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May you find what you are seeking! :)
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