Thursday, March 23, 2006

Problems with Technology

I couldn't comment to anyone with Word-Verification last night.

I can't upload pictures with blogger (I can still post them by using my photo-bucket account)

I don't guess that is so much really, but I hate inconveniences. I do love knowing a way around the problem though!

I got my e-mail to work on my Treo yesterday. That was pretty cool! However, I am trying to switch to Outlook at work after years of using Outlook Express. Change agent that I am, when something is not broke, I hate to start messing with it.....For now I am flipping back and forth, but have to have Outlook on to Sync my device. Don't that sound hi-tech? Too bad I don't really know what I am talking about. It was fun to e-mail pictures of the babies as I took them yesterday.

My quote for today made me think of Terri. (anything to keep the focus off of me...)

How can I tell what I think till I see what I say?

Edward Foster

That quote hurts my brain.
I believe that quote--now if only I could live it!
Word verification is a pain...but sometimes needed. I have used Outlook for years and love it. Funny quote...describes Terri pretty well does it?
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