Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Cutting Edge

I like new things. I like to open the jar of peanut butter and be the first to dip into its creamy softness. I like to wear new clothes and new shoes (if they don’t hurt my feet). I want a new tennis racket, not necessarily because I need one, I just want a new one. It is not just the big things (not that peanut butter is big) but I like new toothbrushes and razors too. Yesterday at a routine stop in Wal-Mart I purchased both; new razors for me and David and new toothbrushes.

Opening and using the new toothbrush was an uneventful experience. My teeth just felt a little extra clean last night. This morning I opened the new razors. I had noticed yesterday that the legs were looking a little scraggly. A couple of spots had been left out completely. So this morning I decided to spend a little extra time in the shower and do a really good job on my legs. Wow, this new razor was great. All was going well until I remembered that my ankles were especially prone to missing the head of the razor. I went after the outside of my right ankle with authority….evidently the same kind of authority used to circumcise young males. My ankle is now missing a good little chunk of skin. It bled and bled. I even had to resort to using a Band-Aid to staunch the flow of blood. Looking at it now is not quite as traumatic as thinking about it. I have always been able to freak myself out by thinking about razor cuts. I physically cringe when I think of some of the cuts I got when I first started shaving with those single razor blades. The whole front of my shin bone would often look like a skinned animal.

Well, I will survive this little mishap associated with my new blade. But I had to think (because you know I MUST make an analogy) that the same concepts are true in life. When we try and correct a problem we often end up sacrificing things that were perfectly fine before. I am sure that there are many applications that could be made, but I am thinking that my ankle will be sore and inconvenienced for a while. But it will be OK. In the meantime, the job was done in removing the eye-sore that had grown in the region. But to be fair, I also must mention that sometimes we have to be less gung-ho with new things. We have to gently introduce things so as not to damage that which is healthy.

So do you have any phobias that can cause you physical discomfort to think about like I do with razors???

I'm sorry but I had to laugh! Your analogy cracks me up! That is so good yet in a way so off the wall. I love it! Life applications in razor scrapes you are a gem Ms Donna! :)
I had to laugh too!!! I think one application we could make is that we can't use the new thing in the same way we used the old one - you need a lot less pressure with a new razor than with an old one! What new revelation has God given us in our lives, but we're still applying the old way to it???
Oh, Donna! Wish I could laugh like the others, but I too have that razor cut phobia, and the very thought made me slightly sick. When I first started shaving, I think I had more mishaps around those ankles than I ever did the shins. (shudder!)
There you just gave me a good reason not to shave my legs.

When I started riding the guy at the bike shop told me you only need to be on the bike for 30 minutes at a time for the first month. He was speaking from experience after having knee surgery. Don't over do it and don't go to your big ring he kept saying. If your knee hurts quit. I grew up with the whole play with pain, coming back way to early from a couple of big injuries and paying the consequences of doing that. My college coach would hold me out one game more after I told him I was ready he figured it out when I didn't.

I have a friend who was recently divorced who is already in a dating relationship in less then six months after his divorce is final. Crap after two years I wasn't sure I should start dating and then again .... Sometimes we are suppose to work with God's timing.

You suffer from technolust we need to have an intervention.
I have this discomfort with teeth -- anything or talk about them makes my stomach go in knots. Maybe you can help me with an analogy to go with that?!?
New things are good...but single bladed razors are definitely a thing of the past. I don't do the legs (aren't you glad to hear that?) but shaving the face is a daily experience. A new blade is so nice. When it starts getting dull and pulling the hair out instead of cutting it loses its magic. Time for a change.

I am sure there are things in my life that are due for a change. There are some new techniques or skills that need to be applied. Hmmm. Guess I had better thing about that!
I like the analogy and I couldn't laugh, mainly because it hit too close to home. I spent YEARS trying to fix things that maybe shouldn't have been fixed and even though I didn't necessarily screw anything else up in the process, I certainly learned the lesson of what happens when you create and problem in your mind and then decide to fix it. No fun!
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