Monday, April 17, 2006

Firsts and Lasts

Yesterday was the last day of worship at our 9th Street location. I suppose this is somewhat sad. This is the church building that my children grew up in. It is the building my son was baptized in. It is the building my daughter was married in. There are many memories attached to this building, but when it is all said and done, it is just a building. The end was anti-climatic for me anyway. Matthew keeps me reminded that there are new adventures, new things to do and see. He was my tour guide to show me all things yesterday. But it was a blessing to be there on Easter with David, Derek, Mary and Matthew. In a few months we can fill a whole pew with Diana, Joe and the triplets. God has truly blessed our family.

It was a day of going. We left church and came back to our house to change clothes and give Matthew his Easter Basket. Then we went to eat lunch with my Mom and hid some Easter Eggs there. We left there and went to David’s mothers to visit for a while. Then David and I dropped off Derek, Mary and Matthew and proceeded to Birmingham to see the babies. Today was Alissa's first day in an open crib. Hopefully Ava will move soon. More importantly maybe they will all be coming home soon.

I am reminded today of the serious side of life. My Mom & Dad and my Mother-In-Law are all dealing with health issues. I was hoping my Mom was going to be able to help out with the babies some. But she is struggling to get around herself. My Dad is very worried about her, and he is not much better off. I guess it is just that he is used to her being the strong, healthy one. I know that God will not give me more than I can bear, but I sometimes wonder how I am going to manage. But worrying about it will not accomplish a thing. I will just pray for wisdom and strength and be confident that He will bless me with both.

I try hard to enjoy the beautiful family filled days in my life. Memories are being made and times together are to be cherished. Sometimes I just have to remind myself to take it all in….

Good reminder to breath it all in.
My prayers to your family. Easter is such a good day I'm glad that you all got to spend it together.
It must have been such a huge celebration to be in the old building for the last time on Easter morning. What a reminder of how our God is a God of new beginnings. : )
Glad you had your family there with you for Easter Sunday!

Transitions can be stressful but may lead to some great times ahead for you as well!
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