Thursday, April 13, 2006

A Good Mimi

Me and Matthew...He likes my new phone that takes pictures...sure the quality is not as good as my other camera, but it is a lot of fun.

I was trying to think what I needed to do to make me special. You know all grandmothers have that "thing". My Grandmother Wallace always had Juicy Fruit gum in her purse. (Of course she couldn't understand why anyone would want more than half a piece.) My Grandma Tucker had a drawer where we could find Hershey's Kisses with the dish towels. Both things were pretty cool to us grand kids.

Right now when Matthew sees me he wants to "botch my teebee". Yes he likes to sit in the Tahoe and watch a movie, I think his favorite is The Incredibles (but maybe it is my favorite so it is the only one I leave in the car) Another thing he likes is those "Ice-Breaker" candies that come in the little tin that looks like a snuff can. He will eat those until it makes him sick if we let him. I try to keep gummy worms at my house for him. I guess that is a good thing to have at "the Lake".

So do you have any suggestions? Did your grandmothers have that "one" thing?

My grandparents had this really cool outhouse. It was a two-holer! Oh, that may not be what you were looking for. Sorry.
My maternal grandma would make me pink milk - extra pink too! She'd also "let" me clean her toilet for a silver dollar (the Eisenhower ones) and put on her rouge.
She let me watch her "story" (The Young & the Restless) along with 'I Love Lucy' and 'The Andy Griffith Show'.
But the coolest was her brother - crazy Uncle Ronnie, who told off-color jokes & gave all the cousins $2 bills. One year he handed out pens for a Chop Suey restaurant (why do I still remember that?) Anyway, something unique, like $2 bills, will remind a person of you every time they see them, even long after you're gone.
My "MawMaw" lived in a very old house with an outhouse!! We loved spending the summers there so we could gather the eggs and play in the barn. The heavy quilts in the winter were also awesome. I just remember it was fun to be at my MawMaw's house cause she always liked to spoil me. Now, I have 5 grandchildren and I let them get dirty!! Their parents don't let them go barefooted or let them play in the sprinkler or in the little springs we have on the farm. They love the freedom to be outside!! We have even been known to let them play in the mud "naked" and then wash them off in the horse trough!! Whatever we do for our grandchildren I think they know how much we love them! My always tells me to whip my daughter cause she has been mean to them!! Okay, Donna you got me on a roll here and now I need to see my babies!!!
My Mamaw dipped snuff and got mad when we accused her of cheating at Rook. My Grandma wore toilet paper wrapped around her head at night. Sorry not much help here.
You could become Grandma Poet. For example, everytime you see the moon and when you are with Matthew, say the moon poem. Create short poems which are fun to say.
My Mammaw (great grandmother) always kept popsicles in the freezer for when we kids came over. And she knew what each of our favorite foods were and would fix them special for us when we came over. She always had the fried chicken in the skillet cooking when I came over. : P

My Nana always had really neat books at her house. They were the Nancy Drew books that my Momma and my Aunt Judy and Aunt Cherry had read when they were my age.

LOL--my meemaw didn't have much for kids when we visited. I remember making dolls out of kleenex. ; )
My Granny always had those 16 oz, flip top, bottled Dr Peppers. I thought the only place to get one was at Granny's.

I can't name all the different things at my Grandma's house. Whatever I wanted, is what I got there.

My kids like going to their Granny's because that's where the play-do is.
Not my grandma, but my grandpa always had wintergreen Certs in his breast pocket. ALWAYS. Can't have one nowadays without thinking of him.
For as long as I can remember, my "Grandma" (my dad's mom) made me elbow macaroni noodles and tomatoes. It was so plain, but I loved it (still do) and she made a bowl of it every Saturday when we went to visit. I knew when I saw it, "Hey that was made just for me." I remember her smell too. Just thinking about all that makes me tear up. She would always let me paint my toenails and fingernails in a wild red color that my mom would never let me use! She also thought playing in a muddy cottonfield after a good rain was fun!
I can still remember the feel of good cool mud squishing between my toes.
My other grandmother, Nettie, always let me cook with her. I learned to make many a good dish with her. And she always let me go through the picture drawer for as long as I wanted. She didn't have albums for the pictures, just dropped them in this big drawer and I would take the whole drawer out of the chest and dig through it for hours.
Thanks Donna. This little visit down memory lane was special today.
Home Made chocolate pudding or Nana" famous sheet cake. Never went to her house that she didn't make at least one of these.

My other Nana was a garden person and always had pink pineaplle grapefruit juice in her frig. I would drink it from a little clear cup with yellow and orange spots on it. She also had a little china set just for me to play with.
My grandmother had a wide neck jar that she kept potato chips in and she always had cokes in the little bottles. She always said they were different and tasted better out of the little bottles. I guess I have her to thank for my coke addiction (coca-cola, that is!)
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