Monday, April 10, 2006

I Can See Clearly----for now.

I have been struggling with knowing how best to live my life as a disciple of Jesus. I have asked God for wisdom and clarity and have tried to be still and listen (sometimes impossible in my life). It is easy to look in the rear-view mirror and see how I might have gotten off track though. I suddenly become concerned with problems that were long ago put behind me. I tried hard to fit in with a group that is not taking me where I want to be spiritually. I become so dissatisfied with attitudes and traditions in my home church that I sometimes miss all the things that we do well, I sometimes forget that imperfect people make up the church “kingdom wide” so there will always be such problems. I try to find the person who can understand me and help me on this journey and I forget that Jesus is standing in front of me with his hand out, just waiting to lead me through the bumpy parts.

This morning I was reading my devotion for Lent before I went to the gym. Two lines spoke to me and my struggles. Somehow in the early, early morning it all made so much sense.

I now see clearly why action without prayer is fruitless. It is only in and through prayer that we can become intimately connected with Jesus and find the strength to join him on his way.

The other line spoke to my struggle with church. I am not going to find Jesus in a building, or at an event. This also made so much sense to me.

Jesus Christ who did not cling to his divinity but became as we are can be found where there are hungry, thirsty, alienated, naked, sick and imprisoned people. Precisely when we live in an ongoing conversation with Christ and allow his Spirit to guide our lives we will recognize him in the poor, the oppressed, and the downtrodden.

So worship becomes ministry and ministry becomes worship and all we say or do, ask for or give becomes a way to the life in which God’s compassion can manifest itself.
**quotes from Show Me the Way- Henri J.M. Nouwen

Okay, first how the hell do you get up so early. I can't do it, and I have tried for a week.

you know the local guy on the street corner (where I always struggle giving sometimes and not giving)looked me right in the eye yesterday and waved. He didn't do it to anybody else. It was creepy and it was convicting.

But your right the last place we would see Jesus is in our buildings. He might show up on Sunday and teach in the parking lot but he would be out doing his business.
Aplause! Great post Donna. It reminds me of a Song that convicts me.

What Now

I saw the face of Jesus in a little orphan girl
She was standing in the corner on the other side of the world
And I heard the voice of Jesus gently whisper to my heart
Didn't you say you wanted to find me?
Well here I am, here you are

So, What now?
What will you do now that you found Me?
What now?
What will you do with this treasure you've found?
I know I may not look like what you expected
But if you remember this is right where I said I would be
You've found me
What now?

And I saw the face of Jesus down on Sixteenth Avenue
He was sleeping in an old car, while his mom went looking for food
And I heard the voice of Jesus gently whisper to my soul
Didn't you say you wanted to know me?
Well here I am, and it's getting cold

So, What now?
What will you do now that you found Me?
What now?
What will you do with this treasure you've found?
I know I may not look like what you expected
But if you remember this is right where I said I would be
You've found me

So, come and know
Come and know, know me now
Come, come and know, know me now
Come and know
Come and know, know me now
Come, come and know, know me now

What will you do now that you found me?
What now?
What will you do with this treasure you've found?
I know I may not look like what you expected
But if you remember this is right where I said I would be
You've found me
What now?
What now?
OW! Did you hear that loud thunk? That was your very large 2x4 knocking me in between the eyes. Why on earth do you think you're not writing well when God is using you so aptly?

I've been struggling with church issues too . . .
I love that... "Worship becomes ministry and ministry becomes worship." Powerful words.
Yep, that is REALLY good!
I had the same thoughts that Albone did, I could have written this! Funny how sometimes so many people are struggling with the same issues at the same time...

Thanks for the reminder that I will never find the "perfect" church, filled with "perfect" people who will never discourage, disappoint, or neglect me. I need to remember that it's not all about me to begin with, and that only Jesus can truly meet my heart's desires.
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