Thursday, April 27, 2006


Can you toss a ball up and catch it? I bet you can even keep two going pretty good; throw-catch, throw-catch. But when you add in that third ball chances are you are not going to do so well. I never could juggle. I tried but I just don’t have what it takes to keep three balls in the air at the same time.

Today when I was talking to my husband I related to him that adding the third baby in the mix was a lot like juggling for me. I could keep two going just fine, but I am afraid with three I might just drop them all if I am not careful. We are very lucky the babies are healthy and happy, but this three hour feeding, changing, burping, sleeping schedule is unbelievably hard to keep up with. When you finish with the last baby you have maybe an hour and half before it starts over.

But, I will be honest with you; there is nothing I would rather be doing. Three little babies have captured my heart and wrapped me around their little fingers. Sometimes I wonder how God could love so many people at once, but I get a little taste of it when I look into these three adorable faces. My eyes fill with tears just thinking about it.

Love is a marvelous thing, Grace is even better, both are blessings of our Father.

: )
It's amazing how your heart grows proportionately with your family. I remember being terrified of having another baby after Daniel, because I was quite sure that I could never love any child as much as I did my Daniel. But of course you know what happened when Madeline was born--and you can guess how I felt when Malachi was born. God just increases your love-capacity! : )
I can't even imagine trying to keep up with three babies at the same time. But what a blessing they must be.

I can juggle -- it is probably the only thing out of the ordinary that I can do. I learned by juggling mushrooms when I worked at a mushroom cannery in the summer during my college years.
Three? We thought the second rocked our world. :) But we wouldn't have it any other way.

God is good!
I can't even imagine how difficult it must be. But I also know that God is able to give you what you need to do it all. You guys can't do it all, but God can!
three's a charm right? All blessings come from the Father. I'm looking foward to the day that I get to be Grandpa (much later in the future through I am much too young for that right now.).
I had three but they were spread out over a six year period. I can't imagine handling three at once! Imagine the diaper bags! The strollers! The playpens! The spit up! I am glad you are enjoying it!
I can only imagine! Juggling seeems easy compared to what you and your daughter are trying to accomplish! :)
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