Tuesday, April 11, 2006

My favorite

Today my vote for favorite technological advance would go to "spell check". (of course tomorrow it may be Satellite TV/Radio/Internet.....)

How about you?

Blogging. It brought me a whole new set of church family members.
Hey Kelley - you stole mine!
I think I would have to go with IMing. It just blows me away that I can have an online conversation with someone across the world in real time!
The toilet! It will always be the toilet!
My computer.
My A/C (both car and home)
My clothes washer (no washing clothes by hand!) and dryer (no hanging clothes out!)
My dishwasher (so I can keep pretty nails)
Oh my gosh--I'm rather grateful for ALL of my technological advances.
I will have to go with blogging.

No. 2 is Vonage. $24.95 per month and I can call anywhere/anytime free. My Oklahoma friends call and say, "hey! call me back!"

I love watching my shows when I want to watch them and not be dictated by a schedule!

I am so spoiled now that I can hardly sit through commercials.
i would like to have tivo.

my cell phone is the one i use the most. i forgot it the other day while i went to the store, and i wanted to call home to make sure i was getting the right thing, and save a return trip ... it was on the night stand charging. btw, i guessed right. no return trip this time.
spell check
cell phone
Leapster for the kids
I really love technology, but hate having to pay for it!
I am not very original--blogging!
Cell Phone (which I mostly use to tell time!)
Debit Cards - I NEVER carry cash!
a. Google
b. Blogging
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