Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Quarterly Book List

In the tradition of a girl who likes to make up the rules as I go (and then bend or break them as I deem necessary) I am changing my monthly reading report to a quarterly report. Since I missed last month (due to circumstances beyond my wish to control) and since summer is upon us and my reading becomes more sporadic, and since this is the end of the quarter anyway….I am changing to quarterly.

Needless to say now that the babies have arrived and I spend any spare minutes going to see them my reading has taken a hit, but I am still managing to follow along in a couple of books.

Books completed in February and March:

A Love Worth Giving- Max Lucado
Classic Max- good book with some great thoughts on love.

Cure for the Common Life: Max Lucado
We studied this for our Wednesday night class. I enjoyed it and took some great practical lessons from the book.

Mudhouse Sabbath- Lauren F. Winner
My first of her books. I really enjoyed this. It gave me a different perspective of the Jewish traditions and helped propel me into the observance of Lent this year.

The Story We Find Ourselves In- Brian McLaren
I love this entire series. There is much in this book that has challenged my thinking, much of it I can not reconcile to what I read. But I love to be challenged and to re-think some old traditions that are just that....traditions.

Velvet Elvis- Rob Bell
I LOVED this book. I hesitated to read it because of the title...silly I know, but I don't know what I thought it would be about. I will read this book again, soon!

The Problem with Pain- C.S. Lewis
My least favorite of the C.S. Lewis books that I have read. I struggled to get through this one. But as usual he had some great thoughts.

Mary, Mary- James Patterson (Fiction)
Gotta love the Alex Delaware series....fast read.

Books in Process

Captivating- John Eldridge
Terri and I are going to do a study on this over the summer, so I am holding off on it till then.

Searching for God Knows What- Donald Miller
I love the way Donald Miller writes. I am thoroughly involved in this book, I look forward to every minute I have to read it.

Mere Discipleship- Lee Camp
I am really enjoying this book too. I probably should not have started so many more while reading it, but the type is really small and the lighting in the hospital was making it very hard for me to read. I think I am going to have to finish it in my reading chair with my reading lamp.

The Inner Voice of Love- Henri Nouwen
is a collection of passages from Henri Nouwen's journals, written during a period when his self-esteem evaporated, his energy to work disappeared, and God seemed entirely unreal. This is not a book to be read straight through: each short chapter takes time to digest, because, like the following passage, each of Nouwen's thoughts has the raw complexity of real honesty:

Show Me the Way- Henri Nouwen
Daily Lenten Readings, that even though I got started late on I am thoroughly enjoying. I also enjoy reading Craig's interpretation from his reading each day.


So this is just a little of what is going into my head. I guess you get to read what comes out of it on other days.....I am sure none of these authors would like to take any responsibility for that!

Of course I LOVED 'Captivating' and I also love Rob Bell - I intend on reading 'Velvet Elvis' very soon. I'm still trying to get through 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' and 'Lost:Discovering Ways to Connect With the People Jesus Misses Most' by Jim Henderson. I usually start books but never finish them, so I'm on a mission to only read 1 or 2 books at a time so that I can finish them. I don't know how you get through reading that many books!!!!
Glad to know someone else reads as many books at one time as me!
Good list.
I'll be referring to it!
Skip - check out Nooma.com for more Rob Bell stuff. I love Nooma videos! Donna - if you liked 'Velvet Elvis', you should check out those videos too!
Thanks for the list! Some I knew. Others I didn't, but will!
Thanks for the descriptions. I recently heard that Nouwen was a ball of energy and love.

Other than Lewis of course, he has really touched a lot of people's lives.
I can hardly wait to know what you think of Mere Discipleship--it's very dense--but totally worth the read.

"Velvet Elvis" is next on my list--I've only heard wonderful things!
Donna, I like your choices! You are one reading woman! :)

I will list mine soon.

Keep bringing it, girl!

ditto on the Nooma films. It's fun to watch the films, do the studies with small group, and read Velvet Elvis.
I love anything by Max Lucado. Have you ever read Daring to Dance With God by Jeff Walling? It was good.
Velvet Elvis was great. I used the Nooma short films to teach a class. It was very well received.

I am currently reading "The Church on the Other Side" by McLaren. Sometimes McLaren bothers me -- but that can be a good thing.

Wow, of all the books you have listed, I've only read Mere Discipleship. I found that to be a really tough read. I want to read some more Donald Miller, though. All I've read so far is Blue Like Jazz. And I'd like to read some McLaren as well.
You might try "A grief observed" by C.S. Lewis - much more real then "The Problem with Pain - these are actually his journal entries after his wife died...

I myself have just finished Nouwen's "Return of the Prodigal Son" I couldn't put it down.

I just found your blog but appreciate a reader ... as I am one too.

Maybe you can share some of the books you will read to your grandbabies. It's still so much fun reading picture books or even books for pre-teens except now Amazon's got me on their permanent list for children's books.
Wow, what a rich list. And I second Beaner on those Nooma videos. They are awesome!
Girl, I long to be as much of a reader as you are! If I ever open my own bookstore, I'm gonna hire you to write the staff recommendations for the readers!

Because... If Donna don't like it... don't nobody like it!

Thanks for sharing!!!
Great reading list! You can't go wrong with Nouwen. Reading a biography of his life gave me a greater appreaciation for his writings.
Okay we need to exchange books. I put a package together. No chick books for me. I don't have that gene no matter what my friends say.
That is a lot of reading! I keep falling asleep when I finally sit down but, on that list Camp's book was especially challenging for me, especially on a political level. I just finished "Spirtitual Theology" by Simon Chan. It was very good,with many eastern perspectives thrown into our western view of Christianity. Thanks for your list.
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