Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Random thoughts in my head....

yeah, that's messed up. And you have a story. You may not have told it in the manner that some of these are being told, but you have about 22 months of story right here.
*The responsibility issue is so big. It's a problem throughout our entire society and it's our own fault. I'm trying very hard to keep this from happening with my own kids, but it is an uphill battle with society's influence. Kids are made to believe that everyone owes them something. And I'm the mean ole' Momma telling them it's not true.
*Sucked many a honeysuckle bloom in my day.
*Are you kidding??? Of course you have a story! That's why I read your blog!
*Yep, agreed! Totally related.
*I feel the same way about my photography job. Sometimes when people complain about how much they hate their work, I feel guilty because my work doesn't seem like work. It seems like fun!

Miss Donna! You bless me! Thanks....
Yeah...I feel really guilty when I'm sunbathing in my yard, or taking my kids to the pool. It's hard work being a stay-at-home mom. It's a sacrifice, you know? ;) OK...I DO have days when I feel like I could rip my hair out, so these type of days are just the balance to those. I'm sure you'll have those too, so enjoy the good ones as the perks of the job!
I agree about the link between nose and memory. When I walk into my kid's elementary school (which smells exactly like my old elementary school), I am immediately taken back to school days.

And yes, we used to sup on the wonderful honeysuckle nectar when I was growing up in Michigan.
Every morning I walk to my front porch to smell the star jasmine.
Personal accountability is at an all-time low. Or maybe it seems that way because I have a 12-year-old? And every time I smell a baby wipe, I am transported back to the diaper era at my house. One which lasted, oh ... seven years. I think you're being transported back, too, in a sense and finding your way now. Keep writing and thinking and wondering out loud when you need to ... you'll get to a comfortable spot.
I happen to think that having all these thoughts is a direct result of reading too many books at the same time! Ha! As if you could!

You are a brilliant woman... a thinker and someone who loves deeply. The heavier thoughts wouldn't tug at you the way they do if you didn't care so much.

Thank GOD there are people in the world who still care.

Thank GOD for Donna.
LOL, Donna--it's like reading a whole 'nother blog just reading the comments section on your blog!

Ooop! There went the 2x4 again. I was already feeling guilty because I signed up to help the church move, and it slipped my mind completely. Irresponsible Susie! : (

Yes, we too sucked on the Honeysuckle. And the hedge, I believe is Lygustrum. It sets my allergies off, too.
Another sucker over here. :-)

And you are doing something wonderful being a blessing to your daughter and grandchildren.

With my baby headed to kindergarten this fall it is fresh on my mind how quickly childhood (babyhood) flies by! Enjoy it with no guilt.
I remember the honeysuckle behind my Aunt's house. That was sweet!

Relax and enjoy this time with the babies! They will grow up fast and you will be on to other things before you know it.
You definitely have a story. Your last paragraphy indicates that!
I love honeysuckle. I used to walk home from school and stop at every honeysuckle vine and suck out the "honey"! I still do if I ever get a chance.
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