Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Watch out!

Yesterday I thought I was going to the hospital, but Diana wanted to wait and go with Joe, so I decided they needed a night with their babies alone……thus I had no plans!
I went home, grabbed the book I am reading and spent a good hour reading, and enjoying the lake in the late afternoon sunshine! Go ahead, be a little jealous because it was GREAT!!

Yesterday one of the blogs I read quoted an article about removing clutter and getting organized. You might remember I sang the praises of the book “Getting it Done”. I jumped in their and organized and made my list and got an in-box as well as a tickler system going…..and then, you got it, I went right back to doing things the way I always did. But I am nothing if not persistent!

So today I am making a new resolve. I am going to remove clutter. I don’t think I can get organized without getting rid of a bunch of things that distract me. Some of these things are not bad in themselves but are just not good for me. This is not something I am going to do with JUST my closets….although I am going to do it to my closets….but I am going deep, deep into my life. There are memories, ideals and attitudes that I need to get rid of. There is a time to fish and a time to cut bait……I will be cutting bait.

Details will follow…..for now I am going to play tennis!

my prayer is that the spirit of our living God protects you though this time.
I'm in the same place - spring cleaning and removing clutter. That paper really builds up, but it's going in the recycle bin.
looks like your going to be using word verification really soon!
I just learned that the Holy Spirit helps us discern what is BEST for us - not necessarily bad, just out of everything in life, what is BEST!!! Cool, huh?
I love all your analogies, but this one might be my favorite. Although, the razor one was pretty funny you have to admit. :-)
Oh, I need that so badly! Figure it out, dumb it down, and teach me how to do it. Would you?
I still struggle with all that--some of that clutter is hard to deal with!

When are the babies coming home??? They are so cute!
a little late for a comment, but for some readers you might need to explain "cutting bait".
That is I think you have some city slickers that read and might not really get it.
and three times is a charm. We are not getting cut are we?

I think everyone who reads my blog understands about fishing and cutting bait...don't you all?

But NO! Of course you all are not the bait I am cutting. That would be like cutting off a life line.
Removing clutter! What an inspiration. I hope you "git-er-done."
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