Monday, April 03, 2006

Where did the weekend go?

Is it just me or are the weekends getting shorter and shorter? Of course this one was an hour shorter. I almost freaked out when I looked at the clock in the gym this morning and it said 4:30!! Saturday was spent going to the funeral and then on to see the babies. When we got there Diana was holding all three of them; a perfect photo opportunity. David finally got to hold one too. They are growing and doing great.

Yesterday Terri was kind enough to go with me to Crossbridge. We stopped after church to allow me the chance to see the babies for a few minutes. We had a great time and a very uplifting worship experience. I love that in the family of God you can feel right at home in a place you visit occasionally. Gary spoke to many of my struggles today and the love of this church for each other always encourages and motivates me.

After stopping by the hospital we headed back to Cullman. Then I was off to play tennis in Decatur. It was a losing effort on my part, but I played OK and it was a beautiful day to be on the tennis courts. By the time I got home and got my clothes ready for today it was time to go to bed. Man, I miss that hour!

With the combination of death and the continued celebration of birth, my mind has gone in a million different directions this weekend. It is overwhelming at times when you realize that decisions that you make have a trickle down effect on others. When I analyze the choices I make I know that many of them are very selfish. It is hard when you realize that the best thing for you may not be the best thing for the rest of your family. Anyway I am praying more and more for wisdom and clarity as well as vision in making choices. I know that God will provide when I am diligently seeking him and his will.

Khris, sounds good to me if you will promise not to talk about Jeff Gordon!!
Missed you in church yesterday.

It's no wonder you don't know where your weekend went--I bet you met yourself coming back from Birmingham! But those babies are worth every mile you drove, aren't they?

I've never been to Crossbridge, myself. We have family (as well as Wayne Kilpatrick!) at Heritage Place in Birmingham, so that's where we visit from time to time.
How sweet those pictures are! I'm trying to imagine all three of mine as babies at the same time. Whoa!

Diana looks much more comfortable now that they have arrived too. :-)
He will provide if we let him... What a great weekend, you had a blessed time.
Great pictures! Glad the babes are doing well! You need to have some fun on weekends...and weekdays...and all those other days...wait, what other days are there? Oh, nevermind. Have fun!
Those pictures of the babies are so cute -- in my perfect job I would be one of those volunteers that just goes around and holds babies in the nurseries. There is nothing sweeter than newborns...much less 3 of them!
Your daughter looks amazing to have recently had triplets! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us!
Catching up on blogs...sorry to hear about your aunt. The babies are grand ... and so are you... God is so good!
you probably won't read this because it is so far back in the history of your blog. i just wanted to echo the comments about the babies, and say that i, too, can't wait to visit crossbridge again. dub and wendi are so blessed to be there, and dub has been blessed to be on staff there after what happened at his last church. that was just a sad story.

i have been slacking in not posting lately. i have been so busy. like jd hasn't. i'm a bum. thanks for your diligence in posting.
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