Friday, April 07, 2006

Who would you be?

This morning on Fox & Friends they were talking about a manager at Starbucks who also performed in a band that did knock-offs of Motley Crew. Well it seems that Tommy Lee couldn’t show for a scheduled performance and they asked this guy to play drums for them! How cool is that.

So the question is, if you could have a “dream job” for just one day what would it be? I will go first. (Would anyone choose Cynthia McKinney?)

>>>My serious intellectual self would want to be Condaleza Rice for a day.

>>>My fun loving risk taking self would like to be Dale Earnhardt Jr. He not only gets to drive a race car extremely fast, he co-host a TV show and has a weekly radio show. I just think he has a fun and adventure filled life.

Ooooh fun question...

Off the top of my head..
Paula Deen-Cooking in her fabulous kitchen in her beautiful brand new house.

Working in a bed and breakfast somewhere remote. Cooking and tending a beautiful garden.

I always thought it would be fun to work in an old bookstore in a touristy area.

I will have to think about this a little more!
Dream Job. Mine. I love my work.
Changes to make it even better....
Published artwork.
Published Devotional book.
Published cookbook with my own photography of the dishes.
Winner of the 2006 Southern Living Cookoff
Photographer at the White House
Dream Job:

Intellectual: Teach Theology at UC Santa Barbara.

Fun Loving Risk Taking: Lead and Everest Expedition.
For just 1 day?

Hmm....I guess I'd have to fill in for whatever actress is playing the role of Elphaba in 'Wicked' on Broadway!!!
Oh boy! Here are a few. The first one and last ones are probably my tops.

A professional singer traveling the world singing of God's love and who can have an impact in the lives of the people I meet-not just through music, but through finances and education and medical services. In other words colaborate with other organizations and fund it with concerts and music sales in wealthier countries.

A communications consultant to companies and oranizations. Poor communication drives me crazy!

An actress, maybe in a Broadway musical.

A mom (I haven't been one but I think that would be the best job in the world-and what impact you guys have!)
this is too funny. i was going to post my own version of this post on my blog after watching that part of fox & friends.

i guess i would change my first name from ken to randy. this would make me randy harris.

randy is a professor at acu. he sometimes does tag team teaching things with mike cope, and talks at seminars, and things where zoe group, and things like that, and he gets paid to do it, or at least he gets an honorarium!

randy came to park row and spoke once to the congregation for a series of lessons. i wasn't too interested in seeing him at first (i didn't know who he was), but after i heard him talk, i wish the series was longer.

i have quoted him on my blog several times and shared his insights in classes and small group sessions many times.

i don't think i could pull it off fulltime, so it would be cool to do it for one day.

thanks for asking, donna.
Wow...For me, I'd love to do what Ty Pennington does with his Extreme Home Makeovers...I've got a list of special people that I would love to "surprise" to the extreme.
Plus if you were Jr you could pick up lots of girls.
Serious and fun: Katie Couric
I would probably be flying an F-22 or something fast like that!
OH, my gosh! I would SO be Reba McEntire!

Or Gin Miller--Reebok Master Trainer and inventor of step aerobics!

Or maybe being me isn't so bad. I get to brighten police officer's days when they deal with really spirit-crushing stuff.
Serious: Preaching for an Independent Christian Church

Fun: Have a suntan lotion shop on the beach South Padre Island
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