Thursday, May 04, 2006

Repeat, Repeat.

Have you ever noticed how a repetitive sound will speak words to you? Diana’s breast pump makes a noise that says to me “pick up the phone, pick up the phone” I am just not sure who it is that I am supposed to call. Last week it was saying “Lo and Behold, Lo and Behold” I am pretty sure that was a reminder to do my Bible reading. So I guess it has a different message for me according to my needs.

The funny thing is that when I sat down here at my office to write something all I can think of is “pick up the phone”. I couldn’t help but think how true it is that I have to tell myself things over and over before they sink in. I have to constantly remind myself to eat right, to exercise, to finish my pressing work before I write a blog post…..of course I have learned to tune many of those repetitive voices out!

God repeated many things all through the Bible. I think that we should notice the things that were important enough to him to be said multiple times. The first one that comes to my mind is “I desire mercy not sacrifice”. It has taken me a long time to really understand that saying. Now that I do (I think) I can see how the whole of what God wants from me is wrapped up in that one sentence.

What are some other things repeated frequently in the Bible for us slow learners?

there are major and minor themes in the Bible. A major one is Life, resurection, breakthrough, triumph.
Do not fear. I will help you. ( you mean I'm NOT alone? I think I'm getting it!)
I recently heard or read that the most frequent command in scriptue is Do not fear. Beaner is on to something there.
If you're REALLY looking for repeats, try Proverbs!
Oh man... I KNOW THAT BREAST PUMP! It's a Mendela, isn't it? with the black case?

That's exactly what mine said too!
I think I'm with Terri on "God will provide"

I also think maybe people at my work need to be reminded to "REJOICE!" LOL.
Too funny. I'll have to start listening for the things that machines are trying to say to me!
Be unified. Be one. Seek wisdom and understanding. Love each other. Give glory to God. Grace. Stand firm.
At least when we get to the NT, there's lots of reminding to Love.

BE STILL BE STILL BE STILL BE STILL. That rattles around in my head alot!
WAIT....WAIT....not yet....not yet....WAIT....
Be Still
Fear not
Jesus went out in the MORNING to pray...
Jesus wanted to be alone...
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