Tuesday, May 23, 2006


I had a real date with my husband last night. Our times together have been few and far between since Diana was admitted to the hospital on March 6th. Life has been about babies and that’s OK, but it was great to spend some time together. We went to eat and to see MI3. From the reviews I have read so far, skip the Da Vinci Code and go see this movie. I am not a big Tom Cruise fan (anymore) but I promise you will not be bored with this movie!

I mentioned going to the bookstore last night. Since I have been in there they have re-arranged. I really don’t like not knowing where everything is! While I was getting adjusted a book caught my eye at the end of an aisle.

Now, what I want to know is who buys this book? I guess it would have to be women who think that they have been left behind by a guy who fell for “such a girl”. Obviously anyone who was “such a girl” would not buy the book, a guy would not buy the book, I would not be seen even picking up such a book. Oh well, I guess it just goes to show that anybody can write a book that SOMEBODY will read.

Question for you: If you hear someone criticize someone you care deeply about, even if you know that the criticism is just, should you tell them? What if that “someone” has no clue that they are acting in a way that is causing criticism?

I guess it would depend on what they were being criticized on? If it's something significant, then maybe I'd try to find out why they are doing this thing that they're being criticized about. Maybe try and help them with that instead of concentrating on the negative behavior.
Obviously a girl who is "such" knows why men love her. She wrote the book.

As to the other... Probably as in I tried to send them to you. But make sure you did that. Send the person criticizing directly to the person they have a problem with.
Open the wound, clean it out, let the healing begin. Just make sure neither party lets you become the issue.
This book is probably written by a woman who is in love with a prison inmate who is who killed his mother because she got on his nerves.

I always try to say something good about the person when someone else critices them. If it is legitimate I challenge the person to talk to the person about it.
You have left me speechless. Maybe the more appropriate title would be "Lonely love in Prison"
I would want my friend to tell me. I'm going to find out anyway, eventually, so I want to know now. All right, who said it? What did they say about me?
A person who would buy this book is a lonely woman who is very sweet, has been run over by 50 rotten relationships and is looking to change something about her so that people will like her. And Jesus would ask her for a cup of cold water, to let her know he sees the genuine person inside.
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