Wednesday, June 21, 2006

To Everything, turn,turn,turn

I don’t know if I have mentioned that we have hired a new minister. Randy and Celia have been gone for over a year now. I am sure God has been preparing the man coming in as well as preparing our hearts to be receptive to a new family.

It is an exciting and yet unusual experience. I have exchanged email with him but have yet to meet him or hear him speak. (It seems that everyone I meet and get to know lately I make first contact with on the internet.) I guess the days of preachers “trying out” have ended. I can see the positives in that, and yet at the same time I wonder if others feel as “left-out” of the decision as I do. I know that we appoint our leaders to make the tough decisions and I am glad they are there to make them. But you all know that I am a little bit of a control freak…..

But the only thing that I like more than control is change, so this year is sure to make me ecstatic. We have a new building, new deacons, a new youth minister and now a new preaching minister all in the same year. Not to mention the way my life has changed by having triplet grandchildren.

Speaking of change, we kept the babies last night. (You know I changed a bunch of diapers.) They are so sweet and so wonderful. But it is a real challenge. This morning when I was getting ready for work both of the girls were fussy. I picked one of them up and she was smiling and goo-ing at me. But the other sweet girl wanted her attention too and was verbalizing her demands. It is hard to ever enjoy the “moments” of mother-hood (grandmother-hood) when there is always one more baby waiting for your attention. I told Diana this morning that she has been triply blessed, but understand that many times she feels triply stressed!

Think of someone who needs your prayers today, it is a great gift that we all can give.

any advice for my sweet jane who is having twins in december?
I went to Freed with Randy & Celia. Randy and I were also in a wedding together. We almost busted a gut keeping a straight face when the preacher called our buddy, whose name was Alan, Dale.

Randy & Celia are good people.
I miss Randy. I didn't so much until Steve made that comment! I wonder if Diana would be interested in letting the babies be involved in the March of Dimes WalkAmerica in the fall?
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