Saturday, July 01, 2006

Beach Baby

The weather was perfect, the accomodations very good for families, we had some "iffy" dining experiences, Matthew is a very EARLY riser and our sun screen worked!! All in all we had a great time. I was able to rest and relax in way that I have not gotten to do in a long time. PLUS when we had some down time Wimbledon was on!! How sweet was that!

Matthew was great. He can melt my heart just by looking so excited when he says "Mimi" with a big smile on his face.

I did learn why so many grandparents learn to love soccer, gymnastics and other things that they ordinarily would not watch. It has to do with the grandkids. See, I have gone to the beach for the last 15 years or so without getting in a pool (you can do that at home, why drive 6 hours to swim in a pool?) but Matthew loved the pool. He spent most of his time there and of course so did we. He learned to swim like a fish with his swimmies on and we had to hustle to keep up with him. There was one full day when I didn't even go the my past that would have been unthinkable, but the truth is I didn't mind. I knew this trip wasn't about "me" it was about enjoying that sweet little boy and his wife and son...(confused you there didn't I?) I did enjoy spending time with Derek & Mary as much as I did with Matthew. Don't get me wrong, just like other grandparents still watch football when given a choice, I will spend hours on the beach when I go without the grandkids. I just learned to appreciate a "different" way of doing the beach.

We did see some spectacular sunsets. Here is one we enjoyed.

Missed your blogs!
Excellent picture, but I tell people all the time, it helps when you have excellent subjects!
Great picture... would've been better if you were in it as well! When I went to the Women of Faith conference in Atlanta, there was a woman a couple of rows in front of me that reminded me of YOU! But, there's only one you, Donna!

Enjoying Wimbledon...
Really good pics, Donna, but I do think you should have gotten someone to take one of you and Matthew. : ) You have a sweet family. I'm glad you had a good time, and glad to see you back. : )
Ahhh, rest is good. Glad you had a good trip!
Beautiful family and background!
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