Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Daze of my life...

Mother came home from rehab on Friday. She got one of those nifty walkers that has a seat on it where she can sit down if she gets too tired. It is helping to make the transition a little more pleasant.

Friday afternoon I was going to run out to her house but she needed me to get her medicine for her. There was a mix up with the Doctor getting the prescription called in and it was late afternoon before the Pharmacy had it ready. I left Diana’s, picked up the drugs and went to Huntsville to play tennis. Afterwards I took the medicine out to my Mom’s house and got home around 10:00. I had a tennis match in Cullman Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. When I finished there I went back out to Mom’s and stayed with her where Dad could go to the Wallace family reunion. I left there around 2:30. I still had not had a shower but I had to run into town and get groceries. Terri and I were in charge of cooking for the preacher and his wife. They were coming around 6:00. So I breezed through Food World (I was NOT fighting Wal-Mart on “Tax-Free Saturday”) rushed home, got a quick shower and went to work getting things ready. Of course my sweet husband was the one to sweat over the grill and Terri was making cookies and side dishes and I do appreciate that! We had a great evening and I learned a great deal about Ken and Anita, but I was a bit tired. I got up Sunday morning, got ready for church and even found some time to throw some desperately needed color on my hair. After church I called to see if Mom needed food or anything. All she wanted was for me to bring the babies by to see her. So I went and picked up the babies and took them to visit with my Mom, Dad and my Aunt Ellen. Diana was not thrilled about me taking them over there without her, but she didn’t volunteer to go with me so I went on. Don’t let anyone kid you, taking three babies anywhere by yourself is not EASY!! I think they were glad to see us come and even gladder to see us go. David and I spent our typical Sunday afternoon and evening keeping the sweet babies. Monday morning we got up fed the babies, David went to work after helping me load as much as I could in the car. I got dressed, loaded up the babies took them home and came to work. Of course I went to help feed them during my lunch break. Mom didn’t need anything yesterday, my aunt is still there, so I told her I would see her on Tuesday. I played tennis in Decatur last night in 95 degree temperature, no breeze and 105% humidity, and the guy I was playing with kept giving away points! I arrived home exhausted and ready to just QUIT! (does that make sense?)

My brother is coming tomorrow to spend the rest of the week with my Mom & Dad. This will be a great help since she has to go back to the Doctor on Thursday.

It is not that I bite off more than I can chew, it is just sometimes more than I can swallow….
And these are the days of my life….

I'm exhausted just reading that! I can't believe that you still find time to do something for yourself (Tennis) when you're doing so much for everyone else. It reminds me that I really need to find a hobby (preferably one that gets me off my butt!)
God bless your dedicated serving spirit!

I too feel that overwhelming since of not being able to swallow.

Life's so busy sometimes.

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