Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I was reminded last night of a recurring dream/nightmare that I have. I have been having this dream for years, long before 9/11/2001. I dream about plane crashes. Not that I am on the plane, I am always on the ground seeing the plane fall from the sky and I see the burst of flames where the plane would have crashed. In the last dream I was trying to find which way someone had gone and I ended up at an air show. It was military planes doing acrobatics that was show-cased. The final plane went up, did a barrel row and crashed into the ground. The strange thing was they just ended the show and acted like nothing had happened.

Anyway as I was driving to Huntsville last night there was a couple of low flying military jets making an approach to the airport. It gave me a creepy since of déjà vu. Not that they fell out of the sky or anything, but just that I had experienced seeing jets in my dreams.

Do you have a recurring dream or nightmare? Do you think they mean anything?

I always dream I'm going to the bathroom, that's why I started wearing Depends.....
Oh that was TMI sorry...
One dream is that my teeth fall out. It happens in different ways, but the end result is that I lose my teeth. I've read (I love dream analysis!) that it means that I'm afraid of "losing face" with others.

My second is that it is the first day of college & I know that I have an 8 am class, but I don't know what building it's in. It's 7:55 & I have no class schedule. I usually end up running all over campus in that one. I think that's just a stress dream!

Your dream reminds me of that scene in La Bamba where Ritchie Valens sees that plane crash & then later dies in one. Creepy!
Oh, Beaner, I have that same dream. Have had it for years.
The other dream is that I can't find my children in a department store and I'm frantically calling out for them. But the weird thing is I'm the only one in the store. No employees, other shoppers, just me.
I've had the same teeth dream... and I used to have a recurring dream about driving a car on a hilly interstate, going up a huge hill and becoming airborn and then watching the car falling towards the ground.
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Karen - you reminded me that I've had that dream of a car falling off a cliff a couple times too!

But the freakiest dream that I've had a couple times is that I wake up (or at least I think I've woken up) and I can't move. I feel very groggy, like I've been drugged. I can't speak but I can hear something (or someone) in the distance. I panic. I really feel like I'm awake but at some point I think I must be dreaming & I try to pull myself out of it. It really, REALLY scary. I've had that dream only 2 or 3 times but I hope I never have it again!!! Maybe I WAS in some half-sleep state. It just freaks me out!
I've never had any recurring dreams and rarely have nightmares.

My dreams generally are pretty funny and kind of stupid.

Hmmm, wonder what that says about me! :)
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