Friday, August 18, 2006

Seeing Clearly

We live complex lives. We strive to sort out priorities that sometimes conflict or seem incompatible. A moral framework is needed to help us understand the reality around us. Our Judeo-Christian heritage provides a framework to help us comprehend the choices we make and the conflicts that arise over them. It is not only the main source of our spiritual values, but also many of the secular values we depend on.

This is a description in the “about” section of a publication I receive via email. I don’t recall signing up for this particular service but just started getting it about a year ago. I don’t think I have ever made it to the bottom of the email before to read this paragraph.

On first glance I really liked this and agreed. I know I live a complex life and my priorities do often conflict and seem incompatible… but then I read more closely and it says that our “heritage” provides a framework to help us comprehend the choices we make and the conflicts that arise over them. Really? Should it be our heritage that gives us this framework?

Sometimes true clarity can only come from the outside looking in. When we only see things in a way that has been pre-defined for us we can become nearsighted. We might totally miss the beauty of a landscape if we focus only on the termites in one tree.

Lord, help my vision. Help me to look beyond myself and the ways that I have always known and to be open to your teachings and the guiding of your spirit. Forgive me when I get in the middle of the picture and keep people from seeing you.

What a beautiful prayer!

Also, great job with the tag thing!

Nothing personal but KISS (Keep it simple....). :)
I admit: I re-read the paragraph twice and came up with the same conclusion you did, Donna. Our heritage gives us the framework for our choices, then truly seeking God and seeing Him helps us understand and even improve our choices.
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