Thursday, August 10, 2006


Karen has tagged me with the three's....

3 Things That Scare Me

  1. High and long bridges
  2. Babies choking
  3. Matthew 25

3 People That Make Me Laugh

  1. Matthew
  2. David
  3. Terri

3 Things I Love

  1. Tennis
  2. Books
  3. the beach

3 Things I Hate

  1. Prejudice
  2. Arrogance
  3. Raisins

3 Things I Don't Understand

  1. Grace
  2. Lack of mercy in the face of grace
  3. How TV & radio waves work..??

3 Things on My Floor

  1. My work out bag
  2. a fan
  3. my purse

3 Things I am doing right now

  1. Watching the weather to see if my tennis match is rained out
  2. Blogging....(duh)
  3. Listening to Crystal Lewis on XM

3 Things I Want to do Someday

  1. Build a house
  2. Write a book
  3. Spend two weeks on a tropical island

3 Things I Can Do

  1. Take care of Ava
  2. Take care of Eli
  3. Take care of Ali
  4. at the same time.....

3 Ways to describe my Personality

  1. controlling
  2. laid back
  3. aggressive
  4. schizophrenic

3 Things I Cannot Do

  1. Schmooze
  2. accept things explained as "that is the way we have always done it"
  3. anything mechanical....especially if blue-prints are involved

3 Things I think You should Listen to

  1. The words of Jesus
  2. Honking Horns
  3. Fire Alarms

3 Things You Should Never Listen To

  1. Joel Olsteen type of preaching
  2. Satan
  3. Telemarketers

3 Favorite Foods

  1. Italian food
  2. Mexican food
  3. chocolate food

3 Things I would Like to Learn

  1. To Play the Piano
  2. A perfect tennis serve
  3. to read blue prints

3 Beverages I drink regulary

  1. Coffee
  2. Diet Coke
  3. Diet Mt Dew

3 Shows I watch

  1. American Idol
  2. CSI- original
  3. Vegas

Ha! You're making me laugh with this one!
I like that you had to add some 4's in there - I'd say you're a non-conformist too! (Great list!)
You don't listen to Joel Osteen, but you watch Vegas and CSI? Come on!
Interesting! ; )

LOL--funny you should mention Joel Osteen kind of preaching. One of my officers played one of his sermons for me today. It actually was a pretty decent one about being loyal.

Oh GOSH! How could I forget coffee????
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