Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Blue Skies and Vapor Trails

It is raining this morning. Not heavy just a slow sprinkle with the promise of heavier rains during the afternoon. I left my house a little after 5:00 to walk, not knowing that it was raining. When I got into town and it was still coming down I decided to get gas and do some other errands I needed to do. Terri had said she would go to the gym if it rained, and I said I would not…..don’t want to get sore before the big State Tennis Tournament this weekend (In case you are wondering there are three different state tournaments; one for males and females separately in the same division; this one is a mixed tournament; in November there is a combo tournament, men and women separately playing with a partner who is ranked .5 higher or lower than they are. I hope to make all three this year!)
So I arrived at the office in my shorts around 5:30. You would think I would be finished working for the day, instead I have caught up on reading blogs and am now writing one…. such diligence!

Last night David played mixed doubles with me. We played as partners for the first time in a very long time. It was a lot of fun, and except for one slip up I made we didn’t have any cross words. One time I did say that I felt like I was having to do it all….I meant that I was trying to do too much, going for the big shots when I should just keep it in play….it didn’t sound good, I promptly apologized. Why is it we can say the most cutting words to the people we care about the most? Anyway, it was fun and I hope that we can do it again.

Do you remember how clear the sky was five years ago. I remember when all the flights were still grounded how incredibly blue the sky was without the vapor trail clouds. It gave us a glimpse of the sky as God meant it to be for us. How many things in our lives that are not “bad things” cloud our vision of God? Can we see through the vapors and picture the perfection that is our creator? What clouds your vision?

Donna, religion tends to cloud my vision at times. I'm trying to do better in that regard.

Super post today.....as always.
ROLL TIDE, girl! :)

Today, I'm finding my own self is blocking the creator from view. Working on it . . .
: (
Having the inability to let go of the reins often clouds my vision of the Creator. I have "rope burns" from trying to hang on so tight. I remember how blue the sky was 5 years ago as well. I've also heard the sky was just as picture perfect when JFK was shot. There is always validation that even during the worst tragedy, God is in control. I can tell you in Arkansas, some of the most beautiful days often appear immediately after a tornado has cleared a destructive path. A reminder of the dialogue He had with Moses; tell them "I AM who I AM."
Sometimes I let self get in the way. I do hate it when I say something that hurts someone I love. I wish we could always avoid that. It isn't easy.
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