Thursday, September 07, 2006

Roll With It Baby!

Terri’s post yesterday about the Senior Ms. Cullman County got me to thinking about my first beauty pageant. The year was 1974 and it was the first ever (at least in my 9 years at the place) Miss Jones Chapel. Now my little Jr. High School was not the biggest in the county, we sported a graduating (yes we graduated from the 9th grade) class of 25. At this year’s graduation I was granted the graduation gift…."to Donna who is so sassy we give to her this little paci"….yes the gift of sass, or sarcasm if you would was one I was obviously born with.

But back to the beauty pageant; as I said it was the first one in recent history. Some people showed us how to walk and turn and how to sit properly. It was all fun for 30 something giggling girls. On the night of the big event we found that there would also be an interview portion with the judges. This whole thing was not very well thought out. We all gathered in the girls’ locker room in the basement of the gym and met with the judges. While one girl talked the others stood behind her….I know, not Miss America!

Anyway during the middle of my titillating conversation with the judges I felt something hit me in the back of the head. I calmly reached up and found that some girl had started laughing and managed to spit her chewing gum directly into my hair. Unfazed I continued to answer the questions while pulling chewing gum from my hair. I am sure that my calm demeanor under pressure tipped the scales in my favor. I left that night as the new Miss Jones Chapel.

Sometimes it is good to see how people will respond under pressure or awkward circumstances. That night, I kept my cool and remained on task. I would like to say that is the way I always respond to a real or imagined slight or insult. I can’t truthfully say that though. I get all riled up and go off on a tangent about things that I have no ability to change. Perhaps I would do well to get in touch with my 15 year old self….sass and all, and just “roll with it”.

Hey! Does that mean one time I too was a princess?

You are more princess than I!!! I NEVER got a crown... I even had to borrow one for Halloween last year!
Crowns for everyone!!

But really, that's a cool story. I have my moments of both too and always wish I could remain cool in every situation.

You should post your pictures.
Sass! I believe it! :-) (That's a compliment, by the way!)

I remember my first pageant... I wasn't in it - I did hair for a friend of mine & also ended up helping her with a project that involved duct tape and her boobs... but I digress.

Yeah, Donna. You're right about how people respond under pressure being revealing. The thing is, we DON'T always respond the same way. One ugly moment doesn't nullify all the good reactions... We all have the potential to go either way. (That's why I find it hard to judge someone or peg them as a certain way based on a solitary incident.)

The big picture is grace. Walking in the light. And a constant desire to grow and be better... which you certainly have.

Admiration & love for you, Donna (for the good, the bad, and the ugly!)


Masking tape is better on the skin.
This is Princess country! I didn't know what I was getting into when I moved up here.

You are a verified Princess. Congratualtions. Now about that gum in the hair thing, I'm surprised a brawl didn't break out right then and there. You must have really done well at controlling it. That is good.

Now if we can just learn to do that good all the time we will have it made!
Hmmmm.... Sounds like Terri's speaking from experience! :-)
I prefer this:
You apparently made quite an impression on your Maker as well. Only the most gifted and confident souls should be given the opportunity to assist with the raising of triplets! That's as close to having "jewels in the crown" as we'll see in this lifetime. Cool princess pic. Even better triplets pics. Have fun.
TCS... I don't even want to know where you got that link. But thanks for not linking to the "nippits."

Enough said. Actually, quite more than enough! :-)

Sorry, Donna... I have the ability to cause your blog comments to plummet to new depths...
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