Monday, September 11, 2006

Simple Pleasures

Five years ago today I was in Orlando at Disney World. It was our last day of vacation so we had gotten up early and packed the bags into our rental car. We would ride the shuttles for one last tour of the Magic Kingdom and one more run through of Epcot…..or so we thought. We were getting in line to ride one of the river rides when they told us the ride was closed. Derek had called and told us about the first plane hitting the World Trade Center, although at this time we didn’t know it was a terrorist attack. Once we realized they were closing rides we started making our way towards the exit. Before we got there the announcement came over the loud speakers “Ladies and Gentlemen Disney World will be closing, please make your way to the exits”. What is hard to understand is how isolated and alone you feel not really knowing what is going on and having to depend on public transportation to get you where you wanted to go. The good news was we did have a rental car, we soon found out that our return airline tickets were worthless pieces of paper. The rental company was great when we finally got through to them. We told them we would turn the car in at the Birmingham Airport.

That twelve hour drive seemed like an eternity to me. We had stopped to get a flat tire fixed and were able to see the destruction for the first time on TV. It was a helpless feeling of horror and outrage. My children both still lived at home then and I could not wait to get home to them. Suddenly that was the most important thing in my life….getting home to my family.

That day and the days that followed I resolved that I would enjoy my family and the simple pleasures that this life has to afford. I don’t always get it right, but I do try to be there for my kids. I also try to take time and enjoy the little day to day pleasures that this life brings. I thought today I would share some of my favorites with you….

1. A really hot shower
2. Sleeping in my recliner.
3. The Full Moon- especially at the lake
4. Rain
5. giggling babies
6. Matthew saying “Mimi” with a smile
7. Playing tennis with my son
8. Eating out with my husband
9. My husband cooking for me
11. Tennis tournaments
12. Outback with my husband
13. Sunsets
14. Fall in the air
15. Alabama Football
16. Jr. making the chase
17. The US Open on TV
18. My dogs
19. Fast rides on the SeaDoo
20. The acceleration of a small block V-8
21. Reading
22. My pillow
23. Blizzards
24. Time with friends
25. Time with family

Of course this is not a complete list nor is it in any order….just the little things that make life a little extra special.

Have a great day.

Great post Donna.
Donna... and we were on our way to the very place you were leaving! Of course, we never made it... and we also found ourselves at the mercy of public transportation.
It is interesting to read about all the different places people found themselves on the morning of September 11, 2001.
Sounds like a good list to me. That was a horrible day ... but some people learned what is really important to them.
Great list!
Great list. You seem like someone who loves life. I enjoyed the US Open as well. How did Federer make it through the final match with Tiger sitting front and center? I guess the best have nerves of steel.
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