Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Horses, Dogs & Donkeys...

You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink….or sometimes it is like my dogs. We live on a lake where they could get water anytime they want, but they will sit by their empty water bowl and whine for me to fill it with water.

Sometimes I am so sure of what I hear God telling me that I can’t understand why others can’t hear it. But you know Balaam couldn’t see the Angel of the Lord standing in his way even though his donkey could. Are donkey’s smarter than we are? Maybe they just know where to look for angels….maybe they believe they exist.

There are times when I must realize that not everyone is looking for answers. Not everyone is growing or seeking the same things at the same pace that I am. That don’t make them wrong and me right (although at times it does make me frustrated!) TL made a good point that none of us relate to each other in the same way. Maybe my relationship or my growth is unique to me. Maybe instead of trying to help others understand the way that I think I need to try harder to understand those who think differently.

It is hard when you think you have found something wonderful and you can’t get others to even look at it. But sometimes we miss the angels in our paths when we have predetermined what our paths should be.

that sounds kinda like what i was talking about in my last post, donna. i, too, wish that others (even in the congregation i attend) see things like i do, but hey, i was there once, too. i once was the one who didn't want to see things differently than they were when i was a kid.

good post. thanks for the comment, as well.
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