Friday, October 20, 2006

The Morning After...

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This is the normal view as you walk down to the water. Normally you look straight out onto the boat dock.....

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It is like a broken can see that it is not where it is supposed to be...imagine me stepping onto that in the dark with my dogs at my heels....what was I thinking?

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Everything is intact, but it would be a little difficult to get the SeaDoo off of the lift. I guess it is a good thing that the shore stopped the turning...You can not imagine how rapid that water was moving last night.

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Shelby is guarding the dock where Hooch can't come back up....but if you look out into the lake you can see the dock adrift that first caught my eye last night. Obviously someone came and anchored that dock...or it would NOT still be there.

I have analogies....But I think I will save them for now.

Wow, girl! I'm glad you got off of that sucker last night! That does look downright dangerous. When it was raining so much, I was thinking, "Oh, good! The lake has needed some rain"--I just never considered how bad the currents must have been!
Bless your heart. Hope things are easily repaired.
Our roof leaks every time the wind drives hard out of the south. It leaked the other night when it was raining so hard. Tried to have it fixed. To no avail.
Good luck.
You have the makings of a real adventure there. I'm almost jealous.
Your mind never stops... I love your analogies. I love how just your allusion to analogies makes me think about things more...
You have your own boat dock?

I want one too!
Ah but have your own book!!

I want one too!
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