Monday, October 09, 2006

Zoe Weekend

Three years ago Terri and I attended our first Zoe conference. We didn’t know anyone there. We didn’t know what to expect or even for sure how to dress. But we found something there that we loved…we found a group of people who loved to lift there voice in praise to our Lord. We found people who treated us like sisters and we found a time of renewal while surrounded by the beauty of Tennessee.

Each of the last two years we have returned. We have met blogger friends. We have made new friends. We feel like we are veterans now. On Friday and Saturday night we had a whole row of blogging friends and their associates. It was an awesome experience. I told some of my friends that only in Christ could such a diverse group of people be brought together and immediately “know” each other.

For that I am grateful. I am grateful that so many of you have made me feel that I am not alone on this spiritual journey. I am grateful that you lift me up when I am feeling low and help me to realize that my doubts, my fears, my hopes and even my dreams are not crazy. You share some of them. You understand both my frustrations and my exuberations. You let me just vent when I need to vent.

It was a joy to meet many of you face to face for the first time. It was a joy to renew my love for those of you I have met before. But there are many more of you whom I have not yet met face to face. I just want you to know that you encourage me too. There are many days that one or all of you are truly the wind beneath my wings. Thank you for sharing some of this crazy thing called life with me and thank you for taking time from your day to read my blog.

Lets all get together real soon!

Thanks for being part of the blogger group. It is encouraging to see so many different people (some more different than others) come together to worship or to just sit around and laugh at each other's stories. There is value in that beyond what we can really understand.
I'm so glad that your blog is here too. I get so much out of it. : )
You are prettier in person, even though you are lovely in your pictures!
I enjoyed finally meeting my friend Donna who I have been praying for over a year. I've prayed for your kids, the grandkids and everyone at my church knows all about Donna's gran-triplets.
Thanks for always honoring prayer requests. It means more than I can ever say.
If you are crazy, then we all are. It's nice to have "blog church" family to help along the way.
Love you! Bless!
YES!! Let's have a blogger's convention!!! Wouldn't that be GREAT!!?
It certainly was cool to meet y'all! And what a blessed weekend!
I wanna know who's coming out west to Zoe Fresno??? I need some Zoe/blogger love, too! :)
WOW... little did I know when I first met you in Memphis that I'd come to enjoy you so much. Through blogging you've truly become endeared to me in several ways that words can't accurately convey.

I really, really like you Donna!
Looks like this blog family is growing Donna. May want to form a committee and consider a building program to house everyone! Get this group together and head to Malibu in '07. More Zoe, more fellowship, and a view to die for.
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