Thursday, November 30, 2006

More BAU (bloggers Are us)

Recently I was given the opportunity to help support a unique ministry. My friend Patrick Mead (whom I have never met in person) gave us the opportunity to support a store front ministry that would also be a tatoo palor. They will be reaching out to to the folks who would never set foot in a traditional church building.

Being a person who is detailed challenged, I often lose things that come to me in the mail, therefore I opened a P.O. Box to receive bills and bank statements, things like that. Well part of the opportunity involved buying a CD by a group called Bar 12. Mine has been sitting in the post office for about a week, but I went and bailed it out today. It is great. Some songs have a real "classic rock" sound to them, some are definately classified as the blues. My least favorite are the acoustic guitar slower songs, but hey, that is just me. If you would like to get out there and help a unique ministy, order this CD (here are the details) will be glad you did.

As another aside....Kansas Bob wondered how some events were brought about through blogging. Well like so many people my first blog to read was that of Mike Cope. Shortly thereafter I begin to read Brandon Scott Thomas who is the lead singer for Zoe. They began to talk about the Conference that was to be held in Nashville. Well since Nashville is only about 2 1/2 hours from my home I knew we had to go! I didn't know what to expect...but it was great.

As for some of the other things, it is funny that after a while you become great friends with someone you have never met. You read each others blogs and comment on common things. You learn that some people who blog are more like you than people you have known for years. A natural consecquence of forming such relationships is the desire to meet in person. When you find a common venue, you go there. When you find one of these friends in "dire straights" like after find a way to get there and help out.

I don't think I can adequately express what this rare community has meant to me. My prayers and those to whom I would turn to for prayer is centered around my blogging friends. Strange but true. When I hear some of the horror stories that come from the abuse of the "My Space" type of deal. I want to shout "hey, we are using it for good! We love each other and pray for and encourage each other as we attempt to serve our Master" Most folks don't understand. I know that you guys do!!

Just saying hi and to let you know I enjoyed this post and the blog in general.

Feel free to visit mine when you have a chance. and

Thanks and happy blogging! :-)
Wow! I'm your friend! The blogging world is a tight one and, yes, I am closer to you and Terri than I am to many people I see day by day. Cool.
I love it that I know what my problem is.....I am detail challenge. I do all that too! I love our little blog group.....Speaking of music to love. My neice sings on the Richland Hills C of C worship team. They put out a CD every year and their latest is AWESOME. I have worn my out. I have sobbed on some of the songs. Especially one where she has a solo. The CD is called UNSHAKABLE. Her solo is You Are God Alone and I promise you'll be on your knees.
Yep, it has been interesting. I have made some friends and enjoyed reading each other's blogs. I guess I enjoy the comments about as much as the original posts a lot of the time. I like the interaction. I like the playfulness. I like it that I can be serious if I want to or just joke around and play if I want to. I like knowing that no one is judging me or putting me down. I am accepted as a child of God with my flaws, faults, sins and all. I like knowing that there are others who care about the same things I care about. I like the love.
I love the connection through Christ. That's what makes the difference I think.
Cool bloggerville connections for you ... maybe it is just that things in Kansas are boring ... or maybe I am boring :(
We should have a "bloggers" convention. Yesterday I was out of town, but had lunch with a fellow blogger. We had only known each other previously through blogging. I've ordered Yancey's book on prayer based on your and other bloggers' recommendations. I've seen things on TV because a blogger gave me the "heads up." I wonder if "blogger" is a copyrighted term. Since I don't use "blogger" maybe I'm actually a "bloggist." But blogging has certainly expanded my horizons.
Hi Donna,
I've seen your comments on others blogs. I also read Patrick Mead, Mike Cope and Brandon Scott - along with about 67 others. I just counted last night. I've noticed you've been blogging for 2 years - I just discovered it last Feb went I went to ACU lectureship. I am adding you to my list so now I have 71. I agree with you about finding so many people who you have so much in common with. It is so fun.
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