Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What's Love Got to Do With It?

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This was the view as I was getting in my car this morning. God sure does paint some pretty pictures.

I have a sore throat. I woke up with it worse this morning. It may be hard for me to talk for 35 minutes tonight during class....maybe everyone will feel like having discussion tonight.

One excerpt from the chapter that I am teaching (hopefully) tonight...

"True love hurts," Mother Teresa once said. "It always has to hurt." and elsewhere she written pointedly "If you really love one another, you will not be able to avoid making sacrifices."

Do you think that is true? Being a nun is she talking about a different kind of love or is true in relational love as well?

I absolutely agree with Mother Teresa - if you don't make a sacrifice & hurt because of it, then it's probably NOT love.
Sweet Home, Alabama!
I believe there is a whole lot of sacrifice in true love. It is the opposite of selfishness.
I too agree that true love entails sacrifice. God showed His love through the ultimate sacrifice--His son on the cross--and He often calls us to sacrifice (our will, our desires, our plans) to demonstrate our love to Him. Likewise, loving others requires sacrifice.
Jesus came to serve and not be served. The ultimate example of love is to love others before ourselves. When those we love are not recipocal, it is often painful. It hurts.
You did just fine last night. It was exactly what my soul needed. It always seems to be.

Yes, I do agree that love hurts and that sacrifices are necessary. How many times have we as parents sacrificed time, money and other things for our kids?
Yeah, it's unfortunately true because of the falleness of man...
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