Thursday, December 07, 2006

Peace, Perfect Peace

Here it is again….Pearl Harbor Day. This day is special to me and to my WWII loving husband. If you don’t remember why you can read it here.

This year we are in the middle of adapting to a life with four grandchildren. It is amazing the changes this has brought to our lives, and in a good way. Children truly are the mirrors that allow us to see the love of God.

It occurred to me last night as we were taking prayer requests that during this time of year…life goes on. People have surgery, people’s houses burn down, teenagers are killed in car accidents, older folks die unexpectedly, children are born, people are over worked; some people lose their jobs and some find a job; many are just depressed or unhappy. It just seems like during this time of year every good thing and every bad thing is magnified.

When I pray for peace on earth my mind does not turn to Iraq. My mind turns to those who I know are hurting. I pray that God will ease their turmoil and that he will fill me with his spirit and with wisdom so that I can know how to help them.

I am gonna pray that prayer, too!

Congratulations on getting engaged 31 years ago today??!
You are so right about that! I had two people today talk to me about the difficulties they are having. There is a lot of pain out there in spite of, or in some cases because of, it being the holidays. We can all pray more for peace.
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