Friday, December 01, 2006

The Tide is making me Roll..

I confess; I have been way too caught up in this hiring of a new coach at Alabama. I am reading blogs and listening to sports radio. I thirst for the slightest hint of what may be happening. It reminds me a little of our search for a preacher (although I have NO DOUBT that this search will not last for 16 months). But I am thinking that “my” opinion or input into the whole hiring process has been given about the same amount of consideration as it was when we hired a preacher, and I won't know what decision has been made or what criteria was used until the final decision has been made.

But, I will be watching the West Virginia/ Rutgers game on Saturday night. I imagine that ESPN will notice several unexpected viewers from Alabama….

I've never been a big fan of preacher selection processes and I have been on the hiring side and the interviewing side. It seems like we take longer and longer but the decision making ability isn't necessarily improved.
Donna, knowing you are a Tide fan softens me up a little towards the U of A, but just a little. :)
Just not Spurrier, please dear God above not Spurrier.
My vote is Rodriguez. I was watching that game last night, too!

Snapshot- It ain't happening. He used the interest from AL as leverage to up his contract at South Carolina.
LOL. My trustee came running out to my car at 6am when I came in to work just to tell me that they fired Shula. It scared me. He was so wound up, I thought the President had been shot or something.

Now my cops meet in groups to talk over who Alabama should hire. And they tell me I live in a bubble, because I don't avidly watch the news to find out the latest. LOL. Guess I just have different fish to fry . . .
The Powers to Be at Bama are overlooking the most obvious choice...Joe Kines...while trying to make a household name, money hire. Whoever it is, I suggest they keep one suitcase packed for an early exit.
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