Thursday, December 28, 2006

Whatcha Reading?

It is really a strange concept, but I find that I can get more work done if I will just go ahead and post something first thing in the morning. Then my brain is not half working on what I want to say. And for me it don’t matter if I have nothing to say, it seems to be a “compulsion” if I am sitting at my desk in my office to SAY something!

So, I thought I would tell you what I am reading. I just finished Brian McLaren’s A Generous Orthodoxy. I have the book but listened to the condensed version on CD. I will go back and pick up some things I missed later. My take on this book is that we all have some things right. All the different groups that meet under different names but are following Jesus are unique. We each have so much we could share with other groups if they were open to hearing it.

I have just started Brian McLaren & Tony Campolo’s book Adventures in Missing the Point. I am only in the second chapter of this book but my take on it is some of the common misconceptions and warped thinking that we all have on different issues.

I love the way Campolo uses 1 Cor 13 9-10 in his chapter on theology.
We know in part and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.

(he says) “In other words, what you believe may be partly correct, but is certainly not completely correct. The point? We must always be open to further insights that will give us fuller understanding of what God is all about”.

(The next paragraph ties it up:)

“Let’s get one thing straight: the ONE THING. The one certainty against which all our theologies are guesswork. “This is one thing I know”, the apostle Paul wrote. Jesus, and how his crucifixion delivers us from sin, and how his resurrection assures us of eternal life.”

The next chapter is on the Kingdom of God….I can’t wait to read it.

On the fun front, Terri got me the book Cross on CD by James Patterson. I can’t hardly get out of my car in the mornings. I want to stay and see what happens next. It is a lot of fun and a good “listen”.

So you are up to date on my literary pursuits (we won’t talk about the other 5 books that I have started but not finished..) What are you reading?

McLaren's "Generous Orthodoxy" was one of the best books I read this year (A link to the complete list and a list of what I'm currently reading is on the sidebar of my blog--not to self-promote or anything).

In case you missed it on the condensed version, McLaren really speaks to "restoratonists" beginning with the second paragraph on page 128. Read that and tell me if you think he's been spying on us.

You know, if someone gets the ONE THING right--how wrong could they really be?
Oops. I spelled "restorationists" wrong. I need to read these things more carefully.
Just finished reading "Ben Franklin" now working on "A Prayer for Owen Meany" by John Irving.
For Christmas, Chris bought me a copy of Donald Miller's "To Own A Dragon". I'm Really enjoying it right now.
My two new books that I got for Christmas are The Signature of Jesus by Brennan Manning and Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller.

I hope to get some reading done this week. Happy New Year!
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