Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Basketball, Tennis and Mildew

I sat up through three overtimes to watch Oklahoma St. beat Texas in basketball......because I care? NO! Because I wanted to see a few minutes of the Australian Open before I went to bed. But I will admit that it was an entertaining basketball game. There was only half a set left in Roddick's match which was just as eyes were seriously heavy.

Well Leviticus is intriguing. (The truth is I agree with Greg AKA Stoogelover's first assumption of dry and boring.) But you wonder how the Priest had any time to offer sacrificies when they were inspecting every sore, itch or bald spot in a camp of this many people. If that is not enough, they had to examine cloth and leather for mold and mildew. Sounds like a truly glamorous job.

But, if you have ever tried to get mildew out of anything then the advice to just destroy it makes a lot of sense. I guess most of the book makes a lot of sense, I just wonder how many different ways you can describe an unclean sore....

Yeah - I'm eating my lunch here!!! I think the "rules" in Leviticus were WAY ahead of their time - I esp. like the one where a woman is "unclean" for 14 days after the start of her period, because you KNOW those husbands were all over their wives on that 14th day, which so happens to be the day that women ovulate - hence....lots of new babies!!!
Was that not a great ballgame though? I hate Texas but I couldn't change the channel. I guess they didn't have spray bottles of Mr. Clean back then, huh?
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