Friday, January 19, 2007

Goodbye Bears

Something is obviously amiss in my life when there are three posts on one page that either picture or talk about bears….. Well, today is the day I put the bears behind me. (Oddly enough none of them were THE Bear, but I digress).

Many of you know that I have been struggling with major decisions and fear of disappointing or hurting others with my decisions. This has not been an easy time for me. My heart has been in a constant state of flux and my emotions have been high. I have felt fear and hurt as well as joy and excitement, along with every emotion in between. But now it is time to press on and see what the future will bring.

And while I truly hope that I have not hurt or disappointed anyone I am pressing on. God is leading me on an exciting journey. He is asking me to open my heart and my mind and let him show me the path. I have said before that leaps of faith are hard. But the exhilaration of letting go is beyond description.

So no more grouchy bears!

Well, I'm not in the mood to say goodbye to the Bears yet (the CHICAGO Bears, that is!)

Letting go can be a struggle because it means you're dropping something that you once held dear, but now you're hand is open to grab on to something better! Have a good weekend!
I have found that most of the time God wants me to take a step (not a leap) of faith. Trust is a heart issue and is so hard because we want to lean on our own understanding as we walk. I pray that as you take that first step He will encourage your heart, even if it a shaky 1st step, to take another step. It will be good for your heart :)

Blessings, Bob
Hey Donna,
I have not seen you in forever! I hope you are doing good! See you at church soon I hope!
I saw your post on our new minister's blog and wanted to say "hi". We love your brother Bruce at Palo Verde in Tucson, and we hope you'll come to visit us in Arizona - it isn't all saguaros and scorpions! We have a lot beautiful mountains too... although as we've been told by your brother "... you forget, I've been to the Alps. This is nothing." He is a funny man.
Hope to meet you!
I hope the first shaky step is not bad. I must confess and say I don't remember if I have ever taken a LEAP OF FAITH. I seem to have just plugged along in the same spot. I didn't realize how boring I am until I realized you must be on the edge of something exciting. Sorry it has caused you so much angst.
There is only ONE you have to please...and HE sits on a throne.
To paraphrase my favorite interdimensional truck-driving brain-surgeon alien-exterminating movie character Buckaroo Banzai .... "No matter where you go, there He is."
A lot of people will tell you it's the journey not the destination in this case it is the destination but we all take a different journey. Peace
Keep us updated on the journey and know that many of us in blog church are cheering you on and praying for you!
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