Tuesday, January 02, 2007
More Old Resoloutions----
This is from July 2006
“Mid-year” resolutions or revelations.
“Mid-year” resolutions or revelations.
- I find that my priorities have been changed for me. I haven’t had to give it a lot of thought. I have not had much choice. I think that I am doing the things that God wants me to do when I am taking care of my family.
- I don’t get upset about things I have no control over. I used to let it ruin my day when my favorite team would lose….why? Do they ever think about me at all? NO! I will enjoy watching until I don’t enjoy it, then I will turn it off!!
- I am enjoying the other things that I do. When I play tennis, I have fun. When I play on the water, I have fun. I read things I enjoy or that stimulate my thinking. No more wasting time.
- I have quit living in the past. There are so many “woulda, coulda, shoulda” in all of our lives, but we must live in the moment, making it count the best that we can.
- I am better at realizing that the kingdom is among us now. I don’t spend my life looking forward to going to heaven, but am trying to realize that the kingdom of God is inside of me and it is my responsibility to introduce it to others.
- I can cherish my friends without thinking that I am their only friend.
- I realize that I cannot be friends with some people no matter how hard I try.
All in all, I think I have grown up a lot in the last year. It is both liberating and scary. I want to make my life count and I am grateful that my hangups have lessened. How about you? Has 2006 brought any great changes/revelations in your life?
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2006 was a good year. I feel more comfortable with myself, I feel like I'm a great mom, and I've found more overall contentment in my life. I'm happy to be where I'm at. I hope to carry those feelings over into the New Year, while also pushing myself to go deeper & grow.
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