Monday, February 19, 2007

Midnight Hour

My husband has one of those clocks that projects the time on the ceiling. I really like it, I can see what time it is without having to roll over or focus my eyes or anything. However, in the last week I have noticed that I am seeing the number 12:00 way too often! What is up with this? I think it has almost become a game with me after the first couple of nights to see if I can see the morning come in. I am blessed with the ability to go right back to sleep so I guess I should just enjoy it and be grateful.

Speaking of seeing things for the first time that were always there...(nice segue huh?) I have noticed more and more that people tend to change their opinion and their treatment of you when you fail to agree with everything they think and do. Have you noticed this? I try to not let it hurt my feelings but sometimes it just does. However, somebody posted a statement that they said was found at most AA meetings....
“What you think of me is none of my buisness.”
I like if I can just live it!

I don't think I could handle the projected time on the ceiling thing, I would never go back to sleep. I dream crazy anyway and so I am always waking up. I went through a weird stage where I was waking up and when I looked at the clock by my bed all the numbers were always the same...Like 1:11, or 2:22 or 3:33 if that was on the cieling it would have been too much to handle. I am just thankful there isn't a 6:66....
The problem with the other way is that if they "like" you believing you think just like them, when you don't. They really don't like you. They like an image of you that is not real. There are people who like the real you.
Deep stuff!
You are Terri are so hitting the nail on the head with me lately!
Wonderful's hard for me too. I think sometimes that is why I am not so verbal with my beliefs because I don't want confrontation. Guess that makes me a big sissie hypocrite. I know it is a fault and I work on it. We are fixing to have this big church campaign in our town and I have almost made myself sick worrying about how people will respond. Rather, than letting God have the glory for it. PRAY FOR ME, I'M SERIOUS. I do stand up for things I believe in, and people do know that I am not going to be caught up in things that are wrong but I make sense? Thanks for pricking my heart, in a loving way.
By the way, Ashley is 30 weeks now and doing well. Last dr. report was excellent.
I made up my mind a long time ago to be honest to myself regardless of what it may cause others to think of me. It's not always easy to be unliked, but it sure is nice to be able to look in the mirror and like the person that I see.

REAL friends give you the lattitude to be yourself.
Hey Donna,
Can you do me a favor and send me an email, I lost a web address you gave me a few days ago.

I love that quote! You're right, it's a hard one to live out. Pride gets in my way too often--I spend way too much time worrying about what people think of me, when chances are they aren't even thinking of me!
Cool photo! Is that new?
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