Friday, February 02, 2007
Questions for Friday---
Do you have an "I can't take it anymore" trigger?
Is there a point at which you know you are "done" with something? Have you ever reached that point but tried to go on anyway? Did that fill you with frustration or did it help you develop patience.
I can think of a couple of times in my life that I was ready to be "finished" with something but I kept trying to make it work (jobs, friendships, exercise programs....). It almost seems like the end result was just a higher level of disdain. So using that criteria what helps us determine what is worth holding on to and what we should just let go of?
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Is there a point at which you know you are "done" with something? Have you ever reached that point but tried to go on anyway? Did that fill you with frustration or did it help you develop patience.
I can think of a couple of times in my life that I was ready to be "finished" with something but I kept trying to make it work (jobs, friendships, exercise programs....). It almost seems like the end result was just a higher level of disdain. So using that criteria what helps us determine what is worth holding on to and what we should just let go of?
**are you looking for answers from me? go first**
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yes -- utter frustration
I don't have any set criteria, but ususally, if I can take a break from "it" and come back happily, then it should be held on to. If I can't fathom coming back after a break, it's time to let "it" go.
yes -- utter frustration
I don't have any set criteria, but ususally, if I can take a break from "it" and come back happily, then it should be held on to. If I can't fathom coming back after a break, it's time to let "it" go.
yes, yes, yes, and amen!
just last week i had been banging my head against a wall, in the form of a computer. ever have this problem? well, to make it even harder to bare it was the worship computer at the church.
we had gotten an upgrade software disc for our presentation software, MediaShout V2.5, and i was loading the upgrade to v3.0. i downloaded the updates for the computer; took about 2 hours to update the computer that had never been updated from the internet. got all the downloads to update the thing, tried to run the new software upgrade and it still didn't work.
i stopped and came back another day. the family was wondering where i had went. i found out that the video card is not compatible with the software upgrade. talk about frustration.
we don't have the budget to upgrade the video card ... we need another processor, too, really.
so its back to v2.5. oh well, thanks for letting me vent.
i feel you donna.
just last week i had been banging my head against a wall, in the form of a computer. ever have this problem? well, to make it even harder to bare it was the worship computer at the church.
we had gotten an upgrade software disc for our presentation software, MediaShout V2.5, and i was loading the upgrade to v3.0. i downloaded the updates for the computer; took about 2 hours to update the computer that had never been updated from the internet. got all the downloads to update the thing, tried to run the new software upgrade and it still didn't work.
i stopped and came back another day. the family was wondering where i had went. i found out that the video card is not compatible with the software upgrade. talk about frustration.
we don't have the budget to upgrade the video card ... we need another processor, too, really.
so its back to v2.5. oh well, thanks for letting me vent.
i feel you donna.
That is the point where we sometimes really do turn it over to God and his greatest blessings are just beyond point. Sometimes it is a "not my will but thine be done" kind of moment.
Yes, yes, yes! I feel your frustration. I've often gotten to the point of "I'm done with that." And at that point you really least for now. Even the Lord needed to jump in a boat and get away from everything for a bit. And if he can need a breather, so can we sister!
Love you!
It wouldn't let me post with my normal identification.
Love you!
It wouldn't let me post with my normal identification.
There have been many times I've wanted to quit things I've started, sometimes I have, sometimes I haven't. But everytime I've stuck it through I've been glad I did.
There have been times I haven't kept up my bible reading and prayer time like I wanted. I'm thankful though that everytime I fall down, I can get back up, dust off my spiritual clothes and know God still loves me just as much.
He's a good God :)
There have been times I haven't kept up my bible reading and prayer time like I wanted. I'm thankful though that everytime I fall down, I can get back up, dust off my spiritual clothes and know God still loves me just as much.
He's a good God :)
When I run late at night and its 18 degrees outside, I've wanted to quit several times. I try to focus on the next few steps instead of how much farther till I'm done. Seems to help.
Yes, especially when my husband traveled a great deal when our children were very little. At times like that I would say "I simply can't do this another day." Then there would be the little voice that said "Yes you can. And besides that, what choice do you have?" That has helped me to learn to ask myself, at those trigger points "Do I have a choice?" Sometimes just knowing I have a choice makes it easier to handle. Actually choosing to change things is very difficult, but once the change is made, the reflief is wonderful.
I've reached that "I can't take it anymore" stage many times. But I usually don't have a choice, so I just suffer through it, for better or worse.
Actually, if you are looking for criteria...always value relationships over things and opinions. That is one of the best rules I ever learned. Your opinions change, you can replace things, your friends you can't replace.
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