Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Moody Blues

Earlier this month I wrote about a friend who I no longer had contact with. Well yesterday a chance encounter at lunch hit me a little hard. This chance encounter caused emotions and feelings that I thought were long behind me to resurface. My confidence and my assurance of God’s love for me starts eroding. I revert to the person that I was with this friend. I know that part of this is that a large portion of my life was shared with this person. We were friends that could finish each others sentences and laugh at the same little things. I am sure part of my anxiety is missing that closeness in my life. I was amazed that I let it get under my skin and ruin my mood for the day.

But then again my mood was also marred by conversation with my daughter. Do daughters and mothers ever get on an even plane? Diana works for me so I see her everyday. That is great and it can also be grating! If I ever offer a view point different than hers she accuses me of taking sides against her. I know it is just that mother/daughter thing. I know she loves me and knows that I love her but somedays it just gets to me.

So there! I let others rob my joy yesterday. Shame on me! Today I will do better. I will meet with my class tonight and even celebrate a birthday with some of the girls before class. It is going to be a great day!

It is amazing how seeing a person can stir up memories, motivate us to please that person so they will like us, or even draw us into their world. It is no wonder we are Salt and Light ... but more often we seem to be drawn into someone else's world rather than drawing them into ours. It's all a part of the struggle. Keep the faith!
It is amazing how seeing a person can stir up memories, motivate us to please that person so they will like us, or even draw us into their world. It is no wonder we are Salt and Light ... but more often we seem to be drawn into someone else's world rather than drawing them into ours. It's all a part of the struggle. Keep the faith!
It is amazing how seeing a person can stir up memories, motivate us to please that person so they will like us, or even draw us into their world. It is no wonder we are Salt and Light ... but more often we seem to be drawn into someone else's world rather than drawing them into ours. It's all a part of the struggle. Keep the faith!
I'm right there with ya, girl! I had a chance encounter with my former friend this weekend too. And I'm ashamed to admit I didn't handle it well at all. As a matter of fact, I avoided her completely. My kids kept pointing her out and asking why I didn't speak to her. Talk about convicting!

Chin up, little buckaroo! Enjoy your class and remember there's someone praying for you...Blugs!
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