Friday, September 30, 2005
Books of Life
As I was thinking on sharing secrets this morning I had an interesting thought. Imagine that you have to write two books. The titles are below.
- All the Things I Have Done that I Hope You Never Know About
- What I Wish You Knew About Me
Which one would be longer? Which one would be more interesting?
If you are like me the 1st one would be the longest, not necessarily because there is more content, but because I remember it more vividly. It is amazing how we can beat ourselves up over some bone-head thing we do, but cannot even remember many of the good things we do. You know I don’t just mean sinful things, like the other day my daughter and I were eating lunch when this guy waved at me. I smiled and waved back and then looked at her and said “I don’t have a clue who that is.” Well when he finished his lunch he started walking over….to the table right behind me….he didn’t have a clue who I was either! You know we remember our mistakes in minute detail.
Maybe we should offer ourselves a little grace. Maybe we should count among our blessings the priveledge we have to do good for someone. Then it is not pride. It is God giving us an opportunity to be him. I think “Let Us Be You” is my favorite song on the new Zoe CD. Let’s don’t sell ourselves short when God is using us. I mean, if you are like me there is always going to be enough in Book 1 to keep us humble…maybe we should focus our energy on Book 2!
There is a set of triplets in ME's class at Mother's Day Out. She has an extra long stroller with three little seats in it. When the mother steps into church, we all stand in reverent awe of her!
#1 would be my longest, too--I have done some pretty stupid things--and unfortunately it would probably be more interesting to most people than #2!!
Glad you got the weather--we are absolutely basking in it!!!
Much of what would be covered in this book would require hypnotic memory retrieval because (for my own sanity) I have blocked it out from my memory.
Good luck serving your rapidly expanding family tree.
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